Chapter 3

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Dream pov

Sap was calling me after I just got out the shower so I had to answer.

'yes Sap?'

'may I come over?'

'yeah sure baby boy'

'u-umm' I giggled at his flustered self. He is so cute I do have a crush on him but he would never like me back cause he's straight.

'a-anyways I'm at the door so hurry up or I'm leaving'

'wait wha-'  I ask before he hangs up and someone knocks so naturally I open the door

'hey Dream sorry fo-' he stopped mid sentence and looked at me. I looked down and remembered I had nothing but a towel around my waist and we both blushed

'Sorry S-sap let me g-get dressed. C-come in I-ill be b-back' he came in and sat on the couch while I got dressed.

'Sorry about that Sap'

'its fine Dream'

'So Sap why're you here?'

~Time skip to after the explanation cause we all know what happened😒~

'Wow he sounds like a cutie but does he know me? And how does he know you?'

'He goes to the same school as us Dream of course he'll know us. We need to find him'

'Then how will we find him! There's millions of brunettes at our school!'

'We will find a way Dream just calm down'

'okayy Sappy'

~~Time skip a few days later Georges POV~~

Its night and I've been keeping an eye on Lindy for the past couple of days and she's nothing but a wreck of sadness and humiliation so this is the best possible time to kill someone. I brake into her house through the window as quietly as possible and find my way to her room which was a mess with tissues thrown everywhere.

I decided to choke her to death in her sleep so it'll look like she passed away in her sleep and was just leaving until I heard police cars that sounded close so I looked around and saw an alarm on the window. I looked closer and it seemed to be connected to 911 if that window was opened cause it was flashing the words "911 is on the way". I panicked as a jumped from the window of the two story building into some bushes and ran away

Go read my one-shot book if you have request just post them.
Thank you for  reading

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