Chapter 11

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I love how I leave you guys alone for awhile and come back to like what 40 more views or something like heck you guys really like this terrible book that started as a joke

**Sapnaps POV**
Dream apparently didnt like the idea of us looking by ourselves just yet and just had to tell his parents who had to tell the police even though there's not much they can do so here we are sitting at the police station waiting .

"Exuse me ma'am you said your son's ex boyfriend is missing right" The officer asked his mom

"Yes he told me he's been missing for over 24 hours but he texted him and Sapnap that hes braking up with them"

"Oh um I'm sorry about that but what's his name maybe we can get some information" The officer asked her and she looked at Dream

"His name is George Davidson. As far as I know he lives alone he never told me about any parents" He explained to the man followed by keyboard sounds

"Well it says here that he ran from home and has a mom"

"Wait he ran from home!" I shouted. Why would he run from home?

"He has a mom!?" Dream shouted

"Calm down both of you"

"Right sorry" Dream apologized

"Do you guys know where he was last?"

"Yeah we were on a date with him at the Olive Garden. When we last saw him he was getting in his car."

"As a matter of fact we actually went to the Olive Garden to see for anything and his car was being taken but we got it back"

"Ok we'll get a some of our best detectives on the case in the next few days. We'll keep you guys updated"

"A few days! Our boyfriend got kidnapped! He got knocked out! We cant wait that long!" I yelled in a rather "matter-of-factually" tone

"How do you know for sure he got knocked out and kidnapped?" The officer asked raising an eyebrow

"It seemed like the most likely option" I replied defensively

"But you said it like you know its true" He fired back

"Well they dont know if its true or not we've been with these two the whole time" Mrs.was taken said

"We've dealt with things like this before ma'am and the boyfriends or girlfriends would be hiding the other. Its happens countless times"

"Okay but I know for a fact they wouldn't do that!"

"Anyways ma'am we'll get back to you in a few days have a nice day and goodbye"He said and we all stood up and walked out the police station

"Now what do we do Mrs.was taken?" I asked even though I know Dream and I are gonna go look for him ourselves

"Well we just have to wait it out I know he must be fine" She replied calmly which got on my nerves

"Okay well Sapnap and I have to do something so we'll bring you home and ill stay over at his" I knew exactly what he was talking about

"Okay that's fine"

~After they drop kick his mom off. At Sapnaps's~

"Ok Sapnap what now?"

"First off we need to piece things together Dream. He ran from home and never told you. He has a mom but told you he had no parents so if I can think properly that means he must have family issues which is why he could of ran from home. His mom could of took him"

"Oh that would make sense. Your really smart Sap!" He complimented me

"I know I am Dream"

"So should we get going now Sapnap?"
He asked 'oh yeah I almost forgot' I thought to myself

"Yeah let me get a few things and lets go. Wait in the car for me" I told him before running upstairs and getting black clothing and just maybe some killing instruments because I am willing to brake in and kill anyone who has our Gogy. I grab the stuff I previously packed and ran downstairs and outside to the car and jumped inside

"What's in the backpack Sap?" Dream asked

"Nothing much just drive"

"Okay" He started the car and drove off. We drove past the Olive Garden
and turned up Mrbeast road which was had what seemed like 40 houses up and down the road so this will be fun. Dream pulled up to the first house.

"Dream the plan is to ask if anyone knows who's van that is or has seen it" I explained

"Got it!" He replied

~10 houses later~

"Dang it! We have to go back to my house its already 10pm and my mom will get worried." I told Dream. Just then a white van with a blue sticker on that was on the other side of the street went past us with a lady that looks a bit like George driving it

"There Dream!"

So the idiots found the car that will lead them to George. What may happen next im not sure cause I make it up as I go also i changed
the title for no reason again so that's well

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