Chapter 16

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epp_123 is the one with Ideas I just write them

**George's POV**
On our way to find Braylen I remembered that I did kill Sapnaps girlfriend and now the guilt was rushing back to me. I turned towards Sapnap and told him

"Hey know that girlfriend you had?"

"Ya the one that died"

"Ya that's the one! I killed her :)"

"Really :0 I don't believe you >:["

"It's true he told me!" Dream said

"So what your saying- IS IM DATING MURDERS 😱"

"Well not rellyyyyyy, plus you can't
break up with us bc you can't find a boyfriend while your dead >:["

"Fine I guess I will date some murders, I hope I don't die😓"

"You dumb rat we are already dead, you can't die again 🙄" Dream said chiming into our conversation

"Oh yeaaaa, I forgot😐"

~a bit later~
"Look Its Braylen looks like she's going into that house, it must be hers!"
I said and floated to the house with Sapnap and Dream following behind me. I floated through the wall and Into her living room. She's definitely one of those rich kids

"Woah this place is big!" Dream floated in from behind me and stated

"Yeah it is"

"Let's find her so we may start our rein of terror!" Sapnap exclaimed

"Yeah!" Dream and I agreed and we all floated upstairs and found Braylen  in her room

"Get some of her things and we'll float them around her" I explained and they nodded in agreement and we all grabbed a few of her things and made them float around her

"Wait- what's going on?" She said

"Okay drop the stuff" And they did like I said dropping everything with a 'thud!' 

"WHAT THE FUCK" She screamed and we all giggled

"Pick the stuff back up" and we picked up the stuff again and floated them around her as she stared in disbelief before we dropped the stuff again

"Dream go get some water I have an idea!" He nodded, left the room and came back with water a bit later handing it to me

"Thank you!" He smiled and I floated above her and dumped the water on her making her scream and running out the house leaving us laughing

"That was hilarious!" I said through my laughing

"Yeah! That was the best!" They both said

"Let's go find something else to do" I suggested floating out the house with both of them following me

"Let's go light something on fire!" Sapnap suggested

"Yes! Let's go get Ghostbur he would love to help us!"

"Yeah let's go!" And we all floated off to go get Ghostbur

Fun chapter

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