Chapter 9

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Where are you guys coming from like 500 reads on a badly explained did you guys even find this book I wanna know

**George's pov**

"Ughh" I groaned as I tried to sit up but was restrained by something. I looked down and saw that I was tied to a chair 'what happened to me?' I thought to myself

"Hello brat" I heard an all to familiar voice call. I looked up and saw Braylen

"Oh it's the biach what do you want from me!?"

"I don't really want anything from you I want you to break up with Dream"

"Are you dumb you really think I would do that just because you asked me too?" I stared at her In disbelief

"Not because she wants you too it's because of me" Someone said as they emerged from behind Braylen. Sadly I recognize that cold and disappointed tone of the voice

"Mom? How did you find me! I ran from you 3 years ago because you couldn't accept me what do you want from me now!" I yelled and she moved closer to me

"I've had a little help from Braylen that's how I found you. I want you to brake up with both of those boys"

"No why would I do that! I just started dating them! I don't care that you don't like it im almost 18"

"You have two options to choose from George. You brake up with them and live with me under lock and key without anyway to text them or I'll kill them both. Chose wisely"

"Why do you want me to live with you?

"Once I find a sutible girl your getting married"

"Wait what!" Is she crazy!

"Either that or they both die"

"Fine I'll brake up with them and stay with you."
I hate this but I can't let them be killed! Im sure within some time people will be looking for me

"Excellent text them that your braking up with them now"

"I can't my hands are tied!" I looked down at the rope that's preventing me from doing anything

"Oh right untie him Braylen but only his hands and arms" She looked at me then Braylen and nodded. Braylen came over to me and untied my hands and arms and stood behind me

"Braylens gonna stand behind you to make sure you don't do any funny business. Here's your phone" She hands me my phone and I snatch it

"Don't snatch from me George"

"Whatever" I look at my phone and apparently it's Wednesday! I was out for about a day! I go into messages and see both Sapnap and Dream text me 40 times all asking where am I and am I ok.
'This makes everything harder"

"Hurry up George"

"Fine" I text them both
'im sorry we're over. I'll explain later"

"I texted them happy now?"

"Yes I am. Braylen untie him" Braylen unties me and I try my best to stand

"Where am I staying at?" I ask

"Your staying here'

"Wait what! But we're not at the house!" Is she seriously crazy

"We are your in the basement and this is where you'll be staying you can't brake out in any way it's heavily fortified." She turned away and walked out with Braylen following behind her closing the door before I hear a series of locks

'i really am trapped.."


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