Chapter 15

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I was today years old when I was told New Orleans is a town not a state :D

**3rd person POV**
The ghost trio are trying to figure out how to get into his mom's house cause they're dumb

"How do we get into the house?" Dream the dumb ghost asked

"I don't know how did you guys get in last time?" George the dumb ghost asked Sapnap. Sapnap leaned on the wall and said "it's a long sto- AHHH"
Sapnap the dumb ghost fell through the wall of the house

"Oh yeah we're ghost now. We can go through walls" George said and casually walked through the wall as Dream watched In shock

"C'mon Dream" Dream stopped watching and walked through the wall

"Okay now what?"

"WE CAN HAUNT HER!" Sapnap yelled and floated around knocking stuff over

"OH YEAH WE CAN" Dream and George both yelled and helped Sapnap knock stuff over as George's mom appeared

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?" His mom yelled. George saw 3 cans of  red paint in the corner and signaled for Dream and Sapnap to stop and float over to him

"Red paint we can write that she's being haunted!" George told them and they happily agreed and grabbed a can each and wrote on the walls.
George's mom saw this and went pale but soon went back to normal

"Braylen stop playing with me" The trio laughed and Dream wrote underneath what George wrote: NOT BRAYLEN BITCH

"Then who" His mom squeked cause she was getting scared. Sapnap took this time and wrote: BY GEORGE DREAM AND SAPNAP BITCH

"Oh so the hitman did his job and killed you three." George frowned but smiled when he saw that his mom was standing underneath the chandelier

"Babes the chandelier!" George said and pointed to his mom and they both looked and smiled wickedly. They all floated to the chandelier and started to swing on it while his mom was underneath it trying to figure out where they were.

"Where are you guys at?" Was the last things they heard her say before the chandelier crushed her. They all laughed and floated out the house.

"That was fun my loves" Sapnap said still laughing

"That was so fun!" George added

"Let's go find and haunt Braylen!" Sapnap suggested

"Okay but first let's go see if we can find my friend Wilbur" George said and they both looked at George

"Who's Wilbur?" They both asked him

"He's my online friend! He lives close to here!" George said happily

"Alright I guess we can go find him" Sapnap said not fully sure

"Yay!" George was happy but the other two were skeptical cause it could be someone trying to take George from them

~After 15 minutes of floating looking for Wilbur~

"Aww we can't find him" George sighed

"Sorry Georgie" Dream said and hugged him while Sapnap was looking around

"Is that him? He looks like a Wilbur but he looks like us" Sapnap pointed to a ghost who's under a tree. They all floated over to him

"Hello do you happen to be Wilbur?" George asked

"George is that you!?" He floated over to George

"Yes it is!"

"LET'S GOOO oh yeah also it's Ghostbur since I'm a ghost now"

"Oh okay!" George nodded and Wilbur looked at Dream and Sapnap and smiled

"Oh are these your boyfriends you told me about?" Sapnap and Dream both calmed down

"Yea this is Arsonist number 2 and manipulative blob also known as Sapnap and Dream" They all laugh and once they all calm down Sapnap and Dream shake hands with Ghostbur and they sat and talked about random things for about an hour before the 3 leave

"Wanna find Braylen and haunt her?" Dream asked and they both agree and head off to look for her

this was fun to write. I'm on the way back to California now

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