Chapter 3

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Friday September 15th, 2028

The past week has went by fast with school and now the girls are together in Hope's room getting ready for the back to school party at the old mill. The past couple days they have each told their families that they are all together. Penelope's family is the only one that doesn't know. It was just Wednesday after school that Penelope came clean to Hope and the twins about her family life.


The girls were at the old mill after school, they had told Caroline and Alaric about how the four of them are together during lunch. They had also just hung up with Hope's family to tell them as well when Penelope cleared her throat.

"Um with us telling your guys' families I have to tell you something." Penelope says while sitting across form Hope and the twins playing with her fingers .

"What is it Pen?" Hope speaks.

"Well uh my family has disowned me. After my parents divorced I felt broken. I had just turned 11 when my dad left and my mom blamed me. We had just found out about my witch powers and it didn't help that they never wanted a kid. By the time I turned 12 I hadn't seen or heard from my dad in over a year and my mom had become physically abusive on top of mentally abusive. Dorian was actually the one that found me, I had ran away after a particularly bad beating from my mom and he found me collapsed on the side of the road."

By now Penelope was full on sobbing and Hope's eyes were glowing as she hugged her tightly.

"Where do they live again?" Hope growled.

"Hope *sob* you can't kill them."

"How about badly maim?"

Penelope lets out a sob mixed with a chuckle as she tucks her head into the crook of Hope's neck holding her tight. The twins wrap their arms around Penelope and Hope as Penelope slowly stops sobbing.


At this point there are rumors about Hope being with Penelope and the twins, but no one outside of their families knows, let alone that they are mates. Penelope and the twins practically had to beg Hope to come with them, but now they are all ready. Each of them are wearing short dresses that stop mid thigh, Josie's is bright yellow, Lizzie's is light blue, Penelope's is pitch black, And Hope's is blood red. Together they leave Hope's room and make their way to the old mill where every single high schooler is there either drunk, stoned, or both. Upon arriving they get drinks, quickly throwing them back before they go into the crowd and start dancing together. They lose track of time as they dance together their hands roaming over each others' bodies as the four of them grind up against each other. Hope's body feels like its on fire as Penelope is holding on to her hips and grinding their bodies together as the dance. While Josie is also holding her from behind while Lizzie is holding onto Josie.

"I've gotta go get a drink." Hope says pulling away from the girls and walking away to find some water.

"I'm gonna go check on her." Lizzie tells Penelope and Josie before walking off after Hope.

Josie and Penelope nod to let her know they heard before they go back to dancing this time just the two of them.

"Hey Hope you okay?" Lizzie asks once she finally catches up to Hope on the out skirts of the party.

"Yeah it was just becoming a little too much."

"Oh I'm sorry." Lizzie looks down at her feet.

"No need to be sorry. I liked it, I like dancing with you, Pen, and Jo. Its just my wolf was getting uh too excited."

HopexPenelopexLizziexJosieWhere stories live. Discover now