Pilot!Choromatsu and CabinAttendant!Reader

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"If you even dare to pull the stunt you did a few days ago, I will end you," Choromatsu glared at the pilot-in-command, his older brother grinning widely and glancing back at him from the pilot's seat.

"You mean 'safely landing the plane in hazardous icy conditions'?" Osomatsu's grin shifted into a smirk as his tongue licked at the corner of his top lip, his eyes partially closing, "There's no way I'd mess that up."

"Swear to God that you're useless in most scenarios," The other copilot shook his head, calibrating some sensors before communicating with the air traffic control tower.

"Ouch," Osomatsu rubbed his chest in mock pain, looking back at the third eldest as he readied for the flight in one of the cockpit passenger seats, "What about you? Happy to be flying with your girl again?"

"She's not my girl, Osomatsu," Choromatsu couldn't hide the furious blush from the verbal jab, glancing to his left at the closed door that divided the cockpit from the cabin. There were five cabin attendants on this leg of the flight, all of them under the watch of the youngest sextuplet brother, but one of the attendants stood out to Choromatsu since she started taking the international assignments -- a spunky young woman named (y/n) Tsushima.

She was still training to be a head cabin attendant, more than likely to be assigned to other flights after completing her course.

"Uh-huh, sure," Osomatsu reached over and smacked the second copilot in the shoulder, "Is our bet still on, Karamatsu?"

"I'm not betting on anything," His stern glare didn't dissuade Osomatsu as he continued radio contact with the tower, grabbing directions and numbers before repeating them in confirmation, "We're clear to taxi short and stop. Want to make the announcement?"

"Yeah, yeah..." Osomatsu adjusted the headset microphone to rest just beneath his chin, taking in a breath before activating the PA system.

Choromatsu let his head lull back until it rested against the padded headrest, closing his eyes for a moment as the rare silence settled between the three brothers in the cockpit. His arms crossed across his chest as he took a slow breath.

The takeoff had been very uneventful, almost disappointingly for Osomatsu, and Choromatsu reminded him that he wasn't able to 'take the wheel' until they had passed the cruising altitude.

"Pardon the intrusion, captain," A familiar voice caught all three pilots' attention as the door to the cockpit opened, Choromatsu about to berate the person for entering without permission before seeing the familiar colored hair that appeared to be more frazzled than usual. (Y/n) closed the door behind her with finality, her eyes locked on the handle for the moment before turning to face the pilot-in-command, "Please give me a few minutes to breathe."

"Why? What's going on?" Choromatsu motioned for her to sit in the other spare seat, watching her face carefully as she obliged, "Are passengers complaining about the flying?"

"Oh, like you'd do better--" Osomatsu started before Karamatsu spoke over him.

"Take what time you need, Ms. Tsushima. It's not like any of us can run anywhere from a bad situation."

"Thank you, Mr. Matsuno," She looked over at him as she pulled the scrunchie from her hair, running a few fingers through her hair to try combing it out before pulling it all back into her original hairstyle, "Just a drunk passenger, that's all. He's absolutely harmless...thought I was cosplaying for a moment of fuzziness."

"A drunkard?" Choromatsu slightly narrowed his eyes, "Did he come on with alcohol?"

"A single bottle that he bought in the terminal. He may be a nervous flier and accidentally had too much before the flight," She nodded before setting her hands back down on her lap, "Todomatsu is taking my charge while I swap with his first class passengers."

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