Getting To Know You

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Rod and I talk on the phone or email almost every day since I’ve returned from Virginia.  He calls to check on how I’m feeling or ask me what I’m having for dinner.  Silly things that simply make my day.

“Mmm, Thai food, that’s my favorite,” he’ll tell me. 

“Ya?  Well can you follow that up with some mint chip ice cream?” I inquire.

“Are you kidding me?  There isn’t a better way to do it!”

We are intrigued by one another’s passions.  He desires the traveling I get to do, I desire the fitness routine he dedicates himself too.  We both love to decorate and have the same colors splashed on our walls.  “Mine’s called Merlot.  It’s like a fine, dark wine.”

“Mine is called Redwood and it’s covered with Asian print.”

“I love that style!  I do Feng Shui; do you know what that is?”

“Of course I do,” he replies.  “I try to live a very balanced life.”  I feel like we are made for each other.  So many people have said long distance doesn’t work, but so far it’s been great.  We are getting to know one another on a deeper level, without sex getting in the way.  “Hey Jenny, so guess what I’m doing?”

“What?”  I wonder what he sounds so eager about.

“I’m training for a marathon.”

“You are?  That is so great!  You will be fast as much as you already run.  Tell ya what; I want to do the marathon that goes along the Great Wall of China someday.  How about you start saving money for it.  I’ll start saving miles for us to use and we can make that a goal to do together?”

“Are you kidding me?  That sounds great.  You’d give your miles to me?”  Why wouldn’t I?  I hate traveling by myself.

“Of course I will.  We’d have so much fun.”

“And we could eat Chinese, my second favorite kind of food!” he says excitedly.  “Hopefully they have ice cream in China.  I know how you’d get two weeks with no sweets.”  He really is getting to know me.

Its Rod’s birthday and I’m starting to hate that he lives across the country.  It’s been a month since I left there and I miss not seeing him. He swears he’s visiting soon but even tomorrow doesn’t seem soon enough.

What am I going to get him for a birthday present?  I want to show that I care but I don’t want to go over the top.  The one thing I did noticed in his room was that he had a lot of plants.  It’s lucky to give to give bamboo to someone else.  I love bamboo, why wouldn’t he as well?  I’ll have one delivered.

Hunting through an online catalog I finally find the perfect one.  The vase is three large frogs, surrounded by trees.  It’s filled with three stalks and they are wrapped with one curly bamboo shoot.  It’s beautiful and large and I know he will love it.

“Hey Jenny, did you send me a bamboo plant for my birthday?”

“Yes, I hope you like it.  I wanted to get you something that I thought would match your place.”

“I love it,” he tells me enthusiastically.  “I put it in the corner where it’s thriving on a shelf.  It didn’t say who it was from when it got delivered but I figured it must have been you.  You already know me so well.”  I know, I think to myself.  I’m ready to practically move to Virginia for the guy.  “I’m coming to see you.”

“You are?” I ask jumping up and down in my living room.

“Yes, I finally got some time off work.  It will be in three weeks.  Can I stay with you?” 

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