The run

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You were waken up by floorboards creaking. You opened your eyes and say some red glowing from under the crack of your door. Slowly you slid out of your bed and silently made your bed then crawled under it. The footsteps got closer to your room until they stopped. The door creaked open and the person walked into your room. They had armor with a red tint to it. You instantly knew that is was a member of the eggpire. The person walked over to your bed and stood right next to where you lay. You held your breath as the person walked out the door.

You sighed as they left. The door remained open so you crawled out from under the bed and quickly threw on your armor. You grabbed your weapons and your bag before leaving the room. You caught a glimpse of a red glow going into the room next to yours. Ash's room was right across from you. You had to get there before the person got him. You walked over to his room as quiet as you could. You opened the door and stepped inside shutting it and locking it behind you. You squinted your eyes to find the bed. Once you spotted it you walked over and gently shook Ash awake. "What are you doing? Its too early go back to bed."
You shushed him as he rolled over on his back. "Why are you shu-"
You pressed your hand against his mouth and shushed him again. "Ash bad people are in here probably looking for me. So you need to be quiet."
You whispered. He nodded his head. "Common we need to leave."
Ash slid out of bed and yawned. They two crept over to the window by the desk. You helped Ash up and he opened it and swung his legs over the ledge. "Be careful."
You said letting go of him."
"I will."
He hopped off and landed with a thud. "I'm good."
He whisper shouted. It was your turn. You climbed up in the desk and swung your legs over the edge and jumped down to join your brother. Your landing wasn't as nice as Ash's but it's fine. "Alright we need to get out of here."
He nodded. "Umm lets go this way."
You said pointing in a random direction. The two ran off.

You dug through your bag as you ran and pulled out an axe and a sword and separate holders for them both. They weren't as good as what the eggpire had but it would work. You handed the sword and belt to Ash. He wrapped the belt around his waist and attached the sword to it. You did the same as him. You didn't have any extra armor so you took yours all off because and handed it to Ash because you had fire to protect you. You stopped help put it on. "No Y/n I'm not taking your armor."
You looked at him. "Ash I have fire to protect me. And if I need to I'll make fire armor look."
You light up your body with fire covering everywhere except you head. "See. Now stop being stubborn and take the armor."
He took it and threw it on. "Happy?"
You nodded. "Gosh your so protective."
He said laughing. You lightly punched his arm and said, "Well you are my brother."
They two of you laughed quietly. "Shh."
You said holding up your index finger. You could hear the sound of feet running towards you. Soon you could make out the figures. There was two people with glowing armor. You squinted and saw the armor was netherite. The strongest armor in the world. It was extremely rare. You only knew a few people that owned it. "Run."
You told Ash. "What?"
You faced him. "RUN!"
The two of you took off. "We need to get away from them!"
You shouted. He nodded. You looked back and saw Ant and Bad gaining on you. "Ash run ahead I'll join you soon. Meet at Mc Donald's."
He opened his mouth to argue but you cut him off. "Ash leave now. They don't want you. I can handle them. If I don't come back go to Phil's place. He will take care of you. Now leave!"
He nodded and ran.

You turned to face they two men. "What do you want?!"
Bad smiled. "You."
He pulled back his crossbow and an arrow flew at you. You blocked the arrow with a shield of fire. You made a wall of fire blocking you from Bad and Ant. You heard whispers from behind the wall. All you could make out was run and boy. You knew they were talking about Ash. You started running in the direction of where Ash left. You took down the wall so the fire wouldn't spread. The two saw you running and chased after you. One of them threw a pearl and was now far in front of you but they still ran. An arrow whizzed past you almost striking your arm. You created the fire armor that you showed Ash and continued on. You dug through your bag looking for anything that could get you closer to Ash. You found a two potions none of them were speed ones. There was only two invisibility potions. You grabbed the potion and drank it and threw the empty bottle back in your bag. The only thing that showed where you were was the fire. You got rid of it but sent a long streak of fire towards the person in front of you. It hit him directly in the legs but didn't harm him whatsoever. "Fire resistance."
You thought. You dug further into you bag and found a singular pearl. You threw it as far away as it could go. You landed about 100 feet in front of Ant, who was the person the used to be in front of you. You continued to run and soon found Ash. He was still running but he looked so tired. You ran up to him and handed him a potion of invisibility. "Drink."
You whispered. He obeyed and downed the whole thing and disappeared with only his armor showing. You quickly helped him take the armor off. You shoved it into you bag and pulled him over to a nearby tree. The two of you sat down not saying a word.

Ant soon approached where you and Ash sat. He stood there a listened. "I know your here little boy."
You felt Ash grab your hand in fear. You gently squeezed his hand. Ant walked around soon followed by Bad. "He is here somewhere invisible. You looked down at your hands to see them slowly reappearing. You shoved them in your pockets. "Of course I gave myself the 30 second one."
You thought. The other potion was 3 minutes. Bad and Ant were standing right in front of you. You tapped Ash's shoulder in a morse code. You tapped "We need to get out of here before I reappear."
He tapped back "Ok."

You grabbed his hand and slowly got up. You had to be quick and quiet. You walked backwards for a little bit before turning around and breaking out into a sprint. Your were fully seeable now. "Ant look!"
Yelled Bad. You heard them starting to chaise you. "Go Ash run."
You whispered. He unlatched his hand from yours and left. You turned in the opposite direction from where Ash ran. You hopefully ran on the direction of Sam's prison. He was one of the people you knew that had the netherite armor. Once you got to him you knew you would be safe. It was a while away from here but you could make it. You were distracted in your thoughts you didn't even see the arrows coming at you until it was to late. And arrow struck you in your bad shoulder. It sent a jet of pain throughout your entire body. You kept running. Ignoring all the pain. Your vision started to go blurry just as the prison came into view. You ran close up to the prison and banged on the door. "SAM! HELP!"
you yelled. Everything was completely blurry now. You heard the door to the prison open and shouts. Your whole body felt weak. You fell to the ground surprisingly you remained conscious but you couldn't see anything anymore. You heard three people fighting and shouting. The shouting didn't last much longer before you heard footsteps running away. Someone walked over to you and lifted you up and carried you inside the prison. They set you down on the floor. As soon as the cool ground touched your skin you fell unconscious.


Sam's pov

He was standing at the entrance of the prison working on security things when he heard banging on the door and he walked up to it and went to press the button that said to go away when he heard Y/n yelling his name and yelling for help. He quickly opened the door and looked around to see Y/n with an arrow in her shoulder and Bad and Ant running towards her. He knew that those two did this to her. He made the decision to make Bad and Ant retreat. He started attacking them with his axe he disarmed them both and began to chase after them forcing them to run. Sam turned around and ran back to Y/n. He gently picked her up and brought her inside. He laid her down on the floor and set to work trying to stop the bleeding. He took out the arrow and grabbed a sweatshirt he had lying on his chair and ripped off the sleeve of it and applied pressure to her wound. Sam pulled out his phone and dialed Phil's number. He answered immediately. "Phil come to the prison Y/n is hurt bad."
"On my way."
He responded and hug up.

Soon the sleeve of the sweatshirt was soaked. He ripped another sleeve off and pressed down again. Phil arrived on his horse and jumped down and set to work.


I wanna see what you think is gonna happen

Also feel free to give me some suggestions on what to add to the story

Stay safe


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