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-Foolish pov

The fight kept on not much longer. After Y/n did her thing everyone just checked up on each other. I decided to slip out to try and find the H/c haired girl. I figured that she would be at her house.

I walked over to her house and rocked on my heals. "Ok just knock." I said to myself.
I went to go knock but as I went to knock a sudden burst of fire knocked me backwards. I sat up shocked. "I didn't know she could do that." I muttered.

I hopped back into my feet and silently praised myself for making her house fireproof.

I actually didn't know what I was supposed to do. Like make sure the fire doesn't spread? Put out the fire? I was clueless. But I decided that I would go in and see what was going on.

I took out a fire resistant potion that I had and downed it.
(Hey whenever your friends with a girl who can control fire you always gotta have one or two handy handy.)
I approached the door and turned the knob. The door slowly creaked open. "Y/n!" I shouted, "You in here?"
There was no response. "Shoot." I muttered under my breath.

I ran up the stairs two at a time and reached
Y/n's door. I flung it open. No Y/n. I did the same to all of the other doors. Until there was one left. I opened the door anxiously and peered in. I instantly saw Y/n lying on the ground so I rushed over and felt her pulse. She was still breathing but her skin's super pale. I picked her up and was about to leave when I saw a little area of the room that was not covered in flames. It was on the bed. I set Y/n down and crawled on the bed to see what was going on with that area. There was Y/n's younger brother Ash sitting there.

I dug through my bag and pulled out another fire resistant potion. He couldn't drink it or else he could choke so I dumbed it on both of his hands and waited a moment before picking him up. I would have to make two trips if I wanted to get all of us out. So first I ran with Ash and set him against a tree. I ran back in to go get Y/n but as I was running in something must have fallen in front of the door because it was jammed. The house was fire resistant but to much fire for too long and things can start getting dangerous.
I gave up with the handle and took a few steps back and ran into the door at full speed. I successfully knocked down the door but now my whole left side is in pain. I looked down at my watch and saw that I only had two minutes left of my potion so I had to move quick.

I ran up the stairs trying to avoid where the fire was because the wood is probably weak. I reached the top and ran sticking to the sides of the hallway to Ash's room. As soon as I saw
Y/n I scooped her up and made my way back down. I looked at my watch again. Ten seconds. I was near the entrance but flames surrounded it. I ran at the  entrance with full force and felt heat coming onto my body and my skin burning then all of a sudden it just went away. I was still on fire but I wasn't hurting.

I set Y/n down next to Ash and sat next to them. I watched as the fire slowly started to disappear. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. "You ok?" I heard a voice ask.
"Yeah. You?" I replied
"I'm ok."
I heard her sigh and lay back down in the grass. "I hope Ash is ok. He was saying he was the egg and nonsense like that." She kept on explaining what happened as I fiddled with the grass blades. Once she finished I laid down next to her and looked her in her E/c eyes. "I'm glad you guys are ok."
She smiled. "I'm also glad your ok." She said letting out a small laugh. "How are the others?" She asked.
"Oh they're fine. Everyone just cleaned up and went home. No serious damage was done." I said looking back up to the stormy sky.
She nodded her head. "That's good."
I felt a raindrop fall on my face. "Y/n if you want you can stay over at my house until yours is well, better." I sat up a looked at her house.
"I think I'm go-"
There was a loud crash as the roof of her house fell. "You sure?"
"Fine." She said getting up.
She walked over and crouched next to Ash and gently shook him awake.

-time skip to Foolish's place

-Y/n's pov

We arrived at Foolish's house just in time. When we walked up to the house the rain started falling harder. Then once we got inside it started dumping. "Thanks." I said taking off my coat.
He hummed in response. "Well help yourself to any food and I'll show you your rooms.

After he showed us our rooms he gave us a tour or the house. After the tour was done we decided to watch a movie. I was on snack duty while Ash and Foolish picked out something to watch.

I came back and on the screen was the movie big hero six. I laughed. "He talked me into it." Said Foolish.
That made me laugh even more. "Please Y/n can we watch it pleaseeeeeeee." He gave me his best puppy dog eyes.
"Alright fine." I said.
"Yes!!!" He said grabbing the bowl that had pretzels in it.
I plopped down on the sofa next to Foolish and grabbed a bowl of popcorn and settled in for the movie.

—Foolish's pov

About halfway through the movie both Ash and Y/n fell asleep. Ash fell asleep on the sofa's side and Y/n fell asleep on my shoulder.

After the movie was done I picked up Y/n careful not to wake her and set her down in her bed. I went back down to go get Ash but he was sitting there smiling at me. "Your welcome."
"For?" I asked confused.
"Oh you know what." He smirked and picked up so if the bowls and brought them into the kitchen. I stayed back and put away all the blankets.

After I was done I walked into the kitchen where Ash was drying the dishes. I helped him put them away. "Foolish be completely honest with me alright." He said suddenly.
"Do you like my sister?"
I hesitated to think for a moment then said, "I mean yeah she's my friend."
"Nononononon. I mean like do you like like her as in more that friends. Cause if you do I could care less."
I smiled. "Well I mean yeah I guess I kinda like her. But I don't know if she feels the same way. And I don't want to make anything awkward between us. I want her to feel safe and comfortable around me."
He stood there for a minute the went back to drying. "So your saying you like Y/n but you don't want to make things awkward."
I nodded my head and but away a bowl. "I can work with this."
"I don't like the sound of that." I said.
"Alright, Foolish, if you want I can ask Y/n if she likes you and try to get you to together."
"I don't know."
"Come onnnnnnn it'll be fun!!!"
"I mean you can try." I said putting away the last bowl.
"Yes!!!" He said clapping his hands.
"You should best be in bed now." I said taking the towel from him and putting in on it's hook.
He nodded his head and sped of to his room.

"I mean I guess I like Y/n."

I decided to add some happy stuff now

And yes I've added therapist Ash

Also I've decided to name my Wilbur story sunflower I will be posting it once this story is finished

And also for that story I'm doing number titles to save me and you guys from my cringy titles

Make sure to eat/drink
And have a good day/night

Ily all anddddddddd

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