The day of the dream

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By the way whenever you see this color this is me the author talking

-Y/n's pov

I struggled trying to get out of the vines. But every time I almost got out the vines they tightened tighter. I heard footsteps approaching me. I looked up and saw Sapnap, Sam, and Ender in the entrance. "What are you guys doing here?!!??!" I yelled.
Sam put his finger to his lips signaling to be quiet. They all walked over to where the vines had me and Sam slashed them. I fell into his arms and hugged him tight. I looked at the others and saw their faces turning pale. "Ender you need to teleport as many people away as you can. Also leave Dream in the prison. Sapnap I need you to burn down all the vines you can lay your hands on. Sam I need you to watch Dream and make sure nobody gets him."
Everyone nodded. "Y/n what are you going to do?" Asked Sapnap.
I thought for a moment before saying. "Im going to destroy the egg, once and for all."

-Bad's pov

I stood on the stage waiting for Ranboo and
Y/n to come back. After a few minutes Ranboo appeared next to me. I smiled. "Ranboo is Y/n under my control yet?"
He shook his head. I frowned. "Go help gather everyone up."
He nodded and teleported away. I walked down the steps to the stage and jogged over to the entrance. I saw Sam, Sapnap, and Ender walk in. "That little traitor." I said quietly.
Being carful not to be seen I slipped in the egg's room and hid listening in on their conversation. I could hear Y/n talk about a plan. She wanted Ender to teleport people to safety, Sapnap to burn vines, and for Sam to watch Dream.

I clenched my fist with rage. They are not getting away with this.
I thought.

Then I heard Sapnap ask what Y/n was going to do. "I am going to destroy the egg once in for all." She said.
I laughed softly but stopped when I heard their footsteps walking back. I pressed my back against the wall and stood there quietly waiting for them to leave. Once I knew the cost was clear I stepped out and soundlessly walked over to the H/c girl and watched as she walked over to the egg. "Yadto si eht yad i esir." Hissed the egg.
(Today is the day I will rise)
"Yadot lla eht seno uoy evol lliw reffus sselnu uoy nioj em."
(Today all the ones you love will suffer unless you join me)

Y/n shook her head. "No, today YOU will suffer! Today I wi-"
"The egg is right." I said cutting her off.
She turned around to look at me with rage in her E/c eyes. "I see Sapnap taught you how to control your tracker and controller."
She started me down with pure hatred. I walked closer towards her leaving a few feet gap. I glanced at my watch ten minutes till six.

I walked closer to Y/n and put my arm around her shoulder in a friendly gesture. I walked her over to face the egg. "Y/n why can't you see what your missing out on?" I waved my hand and made a little red puppy out of the vines. It walked over to her and licked her leg. She smiled but quickly got ride of it. "No no no no NO!" She said pushing my arm of her shoulder. "STOP! I don't want to hear it any more!" She made a fire sword and swung at me. I waved my hand and she was knocked aside by the vines. "Y/n do you really think a little fire will stop me? Now I'm going to bring you up to the stage and I want you to behave. Can you do that for me?" I said walking over to her and crouching down.
"I'll never listen to you!" She lit up into flames and ran towards the egg. I let her because little did she know the egg was protected by and obsidian shell.

She burned through the top layer and found the obsidian. "Darn it!" She yell punching the black rock.
I could feel her becoming weaker as she tried to  pry open the rock. Here breathing got heavier. She sat down on the edge of the egg and took deep breaths. I took this as an opportunity to sit next to her. "It's ok Y/n." I said trying to comfort her. "You doing it again." She said "Trying to be nice to me just so you can get into my head and control me. I'm not going to take it any more."
She got up and walked away. "Y/n," I started.

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