Breaking the news

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Tubbo was the first to respond. "What surely not."
Ranboo sat there speechless not sure how to respond. "W-w-what happened? Is that why you were gone for so long?"
You nodded. "He went to visit Dream and somehow an explosion went off and Tommy had to be locked in the prison for safety reasons. Then Dream pushed Tommy in the
l-lava and I tried getting to him b-b-but it was t-t-to late. I'm sorry I-I-I should of swam faster I should of s-s-swam through the lava when he first got locked in there. I-I-I."
Ranboo cut you off before you started to get to far. "Y/n it's not your fault he's gone."
You looked up at him. "Tubbo can you lead her to her room? I want to speak to Sam."
"W-W-Wait I have to tell the others."
You said walking towards the door. Ranboo gently grabbed your wrist and said, "Y/n you need rest, me and Tubbo will take care of that."
You nodded then said, "One thing that Sam told me was not to tell Sam Nook about Tommy's death."
The two nodded. Tubbo lead you to your room. Once you got there you sat down on the edge of the bed and said, "Tubbo?"
He turned his head to look at you. "Yes Y/n?"
"Thank you got everything you and Ranboo have done. It means a lot to me."
He smiled "Your welcome Y/n. Now get some rest."
With that Tubbo left the room. You sat there thinking about Tommy. Thinking about ways you could've stopped his death. "If only I listened to my gut.
If only I made Tommy stay.
If only I didn't back down."
With ever sentence you said your voice got harsher. "If only."
You paused.
"If only I tried harder."
You let a sob come out but stopped yourself. Your mind flickered to Dream killing Tommy. You could hear his screams of mercy as Dream tortured the poor boy. Your mind switched to the happy memory's you had with Tommy and the sad ones.

You laid on you side curled up in a ball. You shut your eyes as tears leaked out. You winched but didn't move. You haven't had a good sleep for a long time and you wanted to change that now.

At the prison

Ranboo and Tubbo approach the prison's entrance. Sam stood there in his shining purple armor. "I am guessing you know what happened."
The two nodded. "The must have been something you could've done."
Said Ranboo stepping towards Sam. "I'm sorry Ranboo there was nothing I could do."
Ranboo didn't believe him. "There must have been something, anything!"
His voice was soft. "There was nothing. As I brought down the lava it was to late. Dream had already gotten to him."
Ranboo looked down at his feet and muttered, "There must have been something."
"I'm sorry you two Tommy's gone."
Ranboo and Tubbo started to walk away to fill in everyone on what happened. Everyone except Sam Nook. The pair eventually told everyone who knew him. When they came across Bad he seemed almost happy for his death.

The eggpire's pov

Bad was just walking along the path when a sad Ranboo and Tubbo came up to him. Bad knew something was wrong so he said, "What's wrong?"
"Tommy he's dead Dream killed him in the prison."
Said Tubbo.

Well that's nothing to be sad about.
Thought bad.

"Oh my wow. That's terrible. Well I have to go now so have a great day."
Bad walked away and looked over his shoulder to see the pair walking the other direction. As soon as he was out of sight Bad took off running to find his friends. He saw Ant first. Bad looked around to see if anyone was near. Lucky nobody was in earshot. "Ant you'll never believe it!"
"What is it?"
Asked Ant perking up. "Tommy's dead!"
Bad had a humongous smile on his face as he told Ant the news. "That's amazing!"
The pair ran to find there other friends. Once they had a decent amount of fellow egg lovers they ran to Tommy's house to throw a massive party. The friends were parting for about an hour before Captain Puffy burst into the house livid. "What are you all doing in here!"
"We're having a party. Would you like to join?"
Asked Ant. Puffy walked around the house and pushed Ant away from a sign on the ground. She crouched down and read the sign aloud. "Tommy died."
She stood up and and took a deep breath. "Are you telling me that all of you a celebrating the death of a child?!"
Bad nodded excitedly. "Do you know how messed up that is. Especially in his HOUSE! I can't believe all of you. He is a child for CRYING OUT LOUD! Can't you show some respect?!"
She turned to face Bad. "What had gotten into you? What has gotten into all of you? This is messed up."
She shook her head in disappointment. "Alright the party is over I want all of you out."
"Puffy you can't just kick us out."
Said Ant eating a slice of cake. "I am! Im going to count to five and if you aren't out by then I will forcefully make you leave.
Nobody budged.
Still nothing
Her voice got a little louder.
She pulled out her sword and started walking towards them.
She banged her sword against Ant shield and kicked him in the thy. Bad lunged at her but she ducked and Bad tumbled onto the cake. The rest of them quickly left the house. The only person left was Bad. He was laying on the floor with Puffy's blade piercing his chest.
Bad scrambled out of the house petrified. Once all of them were out Puffy cleaned up the place to make it look like how it looked before.

Puffy's pov

She originally came to Tommy's house to plant some flowers and pay her respects but she ended up having to kick Bad and his friends out. She sighed and shook her head. "What have they all become?"
She planted his favorite flowers next to the entrance of his house ending at the path. She wiped her hands off on her pant leg. "You'll be missed Tommy."
She walked away from his house as the sun started to set.

Ok as I was writing this ghostbur was apparently revived!!!!!!!

And I have a bunch of plans for this story


The amount of support you guys have shown is just amazing

I love each and everyone of you

Have a good day or night


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