The meetup

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Y/n's pov

A terrible pain came from your shoulder. You clenched your teeth trying to stay still. You knew if you moved that it would hurt so much more. Slowly you opened your eyes and looked around. You saw Phil siting next to you on a chair. He sat there with his face in his palm. He looked as if he hadn't slept for a while. "Phil?"
You said quietly. He jumped once you spoke but then smiled as he saw you were awake. "Hello Y/n glade to see your awake. How's your shoulder?"
You looked at your shoulder and saw it wrapped up in bandages that were stained red. You responded, "It hurts a lot being honest."
He frowned but then got up and started rummaging through cabinet looking for medicine. After a bit of looking he found a blue vile. He picked it up and walked over to you. He set it down and slowly lifted you up so you could drink the medicine. You were laid against the back of the of the sofa before he handed you the vile. You took it with your good arm and drank it. The cool liquid felt good in your mouth. Once you finished it you asked, "Can You bring Foolish here? I need to talk to him."
He nodded and walked outside. You closed your eyes and listened to the cracking of the fire. You were listening when you heard Techno's voice. "Do you want some food?"
You looked around to see Techno leaning against the door frame. You smiled and responded, "Sure."
You listened to his footsteps walking into the kitchen. It wasn't long before he arrived caring (food of your choice). He set it down on a table in front of you. You swung your legs over the sofa and planted your feet on the floor.  You got a little light headed so you sat there before your picked up the the (whatever plate or bowl or whatever you need to eat it) of food and set it down on your lap. You ate the food as Techno walked out of the room. You felt a lot better after your stomach was full. You set your items backs on the table and slowly stood up. Your legs were shaky and it was hard to walk but soon you got the hang of it. You took a few steps around the room before returning safely back to the sofa. You plopped down and starting thinking what happened. You remembered parts of stuff. You saw Foolish looking at you. He had a scared face, you didn't know why. You also remember Bad screaming your name. Then the last thing that you could think of was you passing out.

You sighed as you couldn't figure out what happened. The door creaking opened broke your thoughts. "Y/n you wanted to see me?"
You nodded as Foolish walked in. "Well, I'm here now."
He chuckled softly and rocked on his heels. You looked at him with your E/c eyes and said, "Can you tell me what happened and why I'm here."
He nodded and spoke slowly choosing his words carefully. "Well,"
He started. "There was a party being held...."

He explained everything and added some information when he spoke to Puffy. After he finished you sat there not knowing what to say. The only thing you could think of was saying sorry. "Foolish I'm so sorry. I-I-I didn't k-know I-"
He cut you off before you could continue. "Y/n it's not your fault, you were being controlled."
He walked over and sat next to you. He looked at your bad shoulder before saying, "Y/n your shaking a lot. Are you cold?"
You shook your head not even realizing you where shaking. "I just need some air."
He nodded. "I'll be waiting."
You gave him a fake smile before walking outside. You sat down on the steps talking deep breaths. You sat there staring at the snow.

"You alright?"
You jumped at the sudden talking. You looked up, it was Foolish. You started to nod but the shook your head. He sat down next to you. "You where out here for a while and I started to worry. And you know you can tell me anything right?"
He laughed a little before continuing. "I sound like an older brother don't I?"
You gave a little laughed. "I'm so much younger than everyone here, and they all treat me so nice."
You sighed. They two sat in silence before Foolish broke it. "If your ok answering what happened? Like where is your family? Like I said you don't have to answer if you don't want to."
You looked down at your feet before answering. "Well, I don't remember much, but I do remember my little brother. He's always so nice to me and he's only 12, and the thing is I can't remember his name."
A tear started to roll down your cheek but you wiped them away before Foolish could notice.
You continued, "I only remember that me and my brother were running around and I-"
You paused remembering something. You stared at the snow thinking before saying, "I have to go."
He looked up at you. "What's wrong?"
"I can't talk I need to go now." You started walking over to the stables and grabbed your horse out from it. You tried to mount it but failed because of your arm. You felt someone grab your waist and lift you put on the horse. You looked down at Foolish and thanked him. "I'm coming with you."
You shook your head. "Tell Phil and Techno I left."
You commanded the horse to go in the direction you needed to go. It took off as Foolish yelled your name trying to get you to come back. You ignored him and kept on. You rode not stopping for anything.

You slowed down the pace coming to a trot as you reached a cave. You slowly slid off the horse trying not to hurt your shoulder. Once you tied the horse up you walked over to the cave. It was a deep dark cave. It looked as if it stretched on for a long time. You lit your lantern and started on the walk. At first there was no trace of anyone living there but as you walked deeper there was bones of birds on the floor. You kept walking in silence, the only sound was the water dripping from the ceiling. You avoided it the best you could but every once in a while a little droplet would hit your skin.

You stopped to rest when you heard footsteps. You listened carefully to where the steps came from. They where in front of you. You pressed your back against the wall staying very still.
The footsteps came closer towards you. You saw the outline of a small person. They walked around looking for something so It seamed. "Hello?"
The person called out. That voice, I've heard it somewhere.
You thought. Then you remembered everything about your brother. His name was Ash and he had the nicest smile. He had similar H/c hair as yours and he even had the same E/c eyes as yours but just darker. "Ash?"
You asked. The person turned around to face you. "Y/n?"
You nodded as the boy ran towards you and practically tackled you with a hug. You hugged him back with your good arm before pulling away to look at him. His face had scratches on it and his hair was a mess, his cloths looked old and faded, and he was very skinny. "How long have you been here?"
You asked. "Almost a year."
He choked out as tears started falling down his face. You took of your coat and wrapped it around his shoulders. "It's a good thing you remembered what Dad said."
You said wrapping you arm around his shoulder and walking out the cave with him. "Whenever you get separated go to this cave."
The two repeated in unison. They laughed softly. "I'm really sorry I didn't come sooner something happened to me that made me forget everything except a few things."
"It's ok."
He said.

The two talked about all the things that happened while they were away. They sat down under the shade of the tree just talking. After a while the pair decided to go to the place you were living at.

Ok so you have a younger brother now and if you don't irl then well....... now you do


I originally created this book because I had a lot of ideas I didn't think it would do this well

Just seriously thank you all so much I appreciate all of you so much

Also Idk if I should end the book or do you guys enjoy it and want more

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