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Ashlyn took her phone out of her pocket when it started ringing. She picked up. "Hey."

"Hey Ash." Big Red said. "Thank you. And I hope I didn't get you in trouble?"

"No, my mom was actually surprisingly fine with it. I'm kinda shocked."

"Hm. Well, that's good."

"Yeah." She nodded. "Anyways, I should go. Love you, g'night."

"Night love." He said. She hung up, only getting another call a minute later. She picked up. "Sorry, was just wondering if you wanna go out tomorrow?"

"I'd love to. I think my family has some plans, so I'll have to see. But I'll definitely see you tomorrow hon."

"Okay. But soon." He smiled to himself.

"Soon. Okay, goodnight?"


"Mom, when are we going to the dinner? Big Red and I are trying to plan a date." Ashlyn asked the next morning.

"It's around 5, it'll probably last a few hours." She informed her.

"So probably not tonight?"

"You can still go, it's not too important you're there."

"Really?" Ashlyn asked, surprised.


"Thanks!" She smiled. "I'm gonna go over to his place." She received a nod then left for Big Red's house. She knocked on the door and he answered. "Morning." She kissed him.

"Good morning Ash." He hugged her.

"Turns out I can skip my plans, so tonight's good."

"That's great." He opened the door wider to let her in. They sat on the couch.

"It's really weird, actually. My mom's just being... really loose with rules right now. It's so different."

"Change of heart?"

"But for the better or for worse? It's suspicious." She said, not believing this would be happening with no reason.

"Ash, it's your mom, I doubt this is some big scheme sweetie."

"Yeah. Just find it a little weird."

"I can tell." He leaned in and kissed her. "Don't worry 'bout it."

"I won't." She smiled.

"Whatcha wanna do?"

"Your choice."

"I'll be honest, I want to sleep." He laughed. "Bad nights sleep."

"Aw, any reason?" She laid his head on her shoulder.

"Nope, just couldn't."

"Mkay. Feel free to fall asleep then baby." She said, running her fingers through his hair gently. He smiled.

"Ashy, wake up." Big Red whispered into Ashlyn's ear.

"Why?" She complained, mumbling tiredly.

"I've gotta go to work."

"Works overrated. Don't go." She whined, pulling him closer to her.

"My parents need help hon, I'd rather be here."

"I know, I'll go." She kissed his forehead. "So long as you aren't working when we're supposed to go out."

"Of course not." He smiled.

"Love you." She said, getting up to leave.

"Love you too."

"Where's Big Red?" Ashlyn asked Howie at Salt Lake Slices, not seeing him even though they were supposed to eat there.

"Kitchens. I'll tell him you're here?"

"Yes please." She nodded. She sat down and waited for him.

"Hey." Big Red kissed the top of her head, brushing crumbs off his hands.

"There you are." She smiled. "Hey."

"I'm really sorry, I've gotta work a bit longer."

"It's fine, I'll wait." She hugged him.

"Be out ASAP."

"Okay." She smiled.

"Love you!" He ran off to work. She sighed.

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