A Jealous, Awkward Lunch

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"Hi, Ashlyn, can I talk to you?" Jack walked up to the theatre groups table. She nodded and they went into the hallway.

"What is it?"

"So this whole thing is obviously super awkward, but guess what's going to make it worse?"

"Oh gosh, what this time?" She asked.

"My sister goes here too. She doesn't get that we're faking it, she'd probably tell my parents. So now she's all curious of why we aren't sitting together. She shares a lunch period with us, but she's otherwise avoidable."

"So... we have to eat together?"

"Probably best."

"Who's table?" She sighed.

"We can switch from time to time? Mine's full today."

"Fine." She started walking back to their table. She made a seat for him, now sitting between both Jack and Big Red. "Where is she?"

"Over there." Jack pointed her out. She nodded.

"U- Um, Ash, what's going on?" Big Red whispered, already upset.

"It's nothing, we just have to have lunch all together, I guess." She sighed as she started eating.

"Oh. Okay." He nodded and continued to eat for a few minutes. "I'll be back." He mumbled, excusing himself to the restroom.

"Oh— bye." Ashlyn sighed quietly. "Jack?"


"What does your girlfriend think about this?"

"She's fairly used to it, but pretty jealous." He said.

"Which makes sense..." She trailed off. She waited a few minutes before Big Red came back and sat down. "Honey please don't be upset about all this."

"Of course I am."

"Well, yes, I know. But... don't be jealous or anything, I love you." She held his hand under the table.

"I know. I love you too." He nodded. "It's strange. I'm not jealous, but I'm... jealous. Not to mention it's awkward."

"I wanna kiss you so much." She muttered. "I hate this."

"Let's ignore it." Jack said. "Stop complaining, it gets easier the longer you do it, and the more casual."

"Yeah, whatever." She sighed.

"You two, um, should, like... become friends or something so it's less tense." Big Red nervously suggested.

"I guess." They said.

"I love you." He reminded Ashlyn. She smiled at him.

"Love you too." She squeezed his hand. "I have a question." She grinned.


"Can I steal your jacket?" She asked. "I'm cold."

"You can't steal it if you asked." He handed it to her.

"Fine." She put it on. "Same difference, it's soft and it's yours wether I stole it or not."

"Mhm." He smiled.

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