Chapter 13

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"Anakin has caught Bane and is on his way back with him now" Obi Wan told me as I stood in the bridge of the cruiser waiting patiently. I watched as Mace Windu and Obi Wan interrogated the criminal in his cell. I held myself tall and proud outside of the cell as opposed to slumping over on the wall like I had felt like.

"We tore the ship apart. There's no sign of the holocron or the kids." Anakin reported, joining the rest of us with Ahsoka again. Windu and Kenobi exited the cell at the sight of the duo approaching.

"Did you check the ship's navigation records?" Windu questioned immediately.

"They were wiped clean before he landed on Naboo." Ahsoka answered simply.

"We'll have to use the Force to make him talk." Anakin decided.

"I don't think Bane is that weak." My master spoke up with a hand stroking his beard in thought like usual.

"Maybe if we all concentrated on his mind together." I suggested with Ahsokas hopefulness.

"Mmm. Using the Force to compel a strong mind to cooperate is risky." Obi Wan thought out loud at my suggestion.

"There is a danger that his mind could be destroyed in the process." Windu further explained the bad side of things. I gave a weary look at my own suggestion, not having known that it could destroy a persons mind.

"Well, do we have another choice?" Anakin asked, all for the idea. The two men nodded before leading the way back into the cell. Ahsoka and I stood back as our masters walked forward in intimidating silence.

"You will take us to the holocron." Anakin closed his eyes and reached out his hand to convince the bounty hunter.

"Jedi mind tricks don't work on me." He snarled in response.

"You will take us to the holocron." Obi Wan joined, following Skywalker's actions.

"Forget it." Bane shook his head.

"You will take us to the holocron." Windu joined in this time.

"I... I won't." He struggled.

"And you will take us" Windu started.

"now!" All three demanded.

"I... I will take you." He began to give into the force. "No! Get out of my head!" He shouted. This was followed by groans of pain as Ahsoka and I looked to each other with shock at what was happening before us. I was baffled that the force could even be used in such an evil way on a person but deep down I understood this had to be done.

The three let go of the man and let his head fall to the table with groans of pain.

"Perhaps we should try again." Anakin threatened.

"I... I've had enough of that." Bane claimed, moving his head up to look at us all. "I'll take you to the holocron. You'll get your children back." He promised. With that we all exited the cell and made our way to the hanger, following the clones who had been escorting Bane through the ship.

"The Chancellor wants a report on our progress." Windu told us.

"Tell him this is not Republic business. It's an internal Jedi affair." Obi Wan protested with his answer on the subject.

"I'm sorry to disagree, but as long as the Jedi are acting as a military, We should report to the Chancellor, even on internal matters such as this." Anakin spoke up which caused some shock from the rest of us.

"Well, then, I guess you just volunteered to go." Obi Wan placed an arm over Anakin shoulder while giving him a smirk. "Give the Chancellor my regards." With that we walked away from the brunette.

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