Chapter 6. Getting Help

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Every single thing that Ryan is researching is telling him the same thing. "Tell someone that knows what to do." He can't do that because he knows that will hurt Tina more then help her.

He was up until 8 in the morning. He presented to be asleep when Tina woke up. When she got up to get a shower he quickly got back on his phone and started researching once again.

He was looking for answers all day. He stayed up again all night trying to figure it out. Then he thought of a way that might help her. It would hurt her but it might bring her some closure and at this point Ryan was willing to try anything.

He waits until Tina gets out of the shower. Then he asks her

"Do you wanna go somewhere. I think this will help you."

"Are there going to be people?"


"Okay, I guess so. How long will it take for us to get there?"

"Not too long."


Tina keeps trying to get Ryan to tell her where they are going but he will not give in. No matter how hard she tries. She even tried to pay in 100 dollars and he still wouldn't tell her.

He finally told her.

"We are 10 minutes out. So prepare yourself okay?"

"Well what am I preparing myself for?"

"Just be ready for anything. I don't really know how you are going to react myself."

"Okay...Well if you told me where we are going I could prepare myself better?"

"No Tina. "

"Fine...It was worth a shot though."


Now there is only 5 minutes until the destination. Tina is starting to get a sick feeling in her stomach because of how nervous she is. She doesn't know what to expect.

Then he heart drops all the way to the ground. She sees where he has taken her and she is speechless. Ryan keeps looking at her to see how she is reacting.

The truck finally comes to a stop. He shuts down the engine gets out and goes to open Tina's door. She just sits there. He says

"Come on."

"I don't know if I can."

"You can you just have to push yourself too."


She finally gets out after about 5 minutes of just staring at her shoes. Ryan helps her down and walks her to her fathers headstone. She stares at it. Tears start to fill her eyes. Ryan tells her

"You never got to say goodbye. This is your chance now."


"I'll be in the truck okay."

"Okay." she says crying.

Ryan walks off and when she hears the truck door shut she breakdown. She is crying so hard that she can hardly breathe. She remembered something that Ryan told her.

"When you feel like you about to have an anxiety attack breathe in through your nose 1 2 3 4, out through your mouth 5 6 7 8."

She followed what he said. She calms down enough to talk. She finally says.

"I miss you a lot dad. I never got to say goodbye. You just left. How could you just leave your daughter like that? If Ryan wasn't here I would be dead right now. Ryan is trying to stop me from cutting myself. If he didn't say anything to me when he did. I would be dead right now. When he caught me that day in the shower. I was planning that when he went to sleep later that night...I would end it all. He doesn't know that I was going to commit suicide. If he did know that would break him because of his sister. I guess this is goodbye now."

Little did she know Ryan didn't actually get in the truck. Ryan was listening to make sure she was doing okay. Ryan even shedded a few tears.

Ryan quickly started to get back into truck as he seen her start to walk closer. She came back with tears in her eyes but with a smile on her face. He asked her

"Why are you smiling?"

"Because the pain is gone."

He instantly tested up and hugged her in excitement. He told her

"I'm so glad your okay. But still if you ever feel like hurting yourself call or text me. Or even draw on yourself. Okay?"

"Okay I promise."

Ryan drives themselves home. She sees Morgan's car parked outside. They go in and see Morgan sitting on the couch with two presents wrapped. One in blue wrapping paper and one in pink. Tina remember that Morgan finally got enough courage to see what the baby's gender was.

Tina was so excited to be an aunt. She couldn't hardly wait. Morgan tells Ryan and Tina

"Hurry up I don't have all day!!!"

"We are coming!"

Tina and Ryan start to open them at the same time. Then a bunch of blue balloons come out floating to the ceiling. Ryan jumps up screaming


Tina giggles at him and admires him seeing how happy is is about his nephew. She couldn't help but imagine how happy he would be if they had a child together.

She knew that he was the one for her that day. She seen how much he cared for her at the graveyard. She seen how he would be if she was pregnant. She was so happy with him. He brought the best out in her and she is the best thing that has ever happened to him.

She normally would never plan her life out with someone because she didn't want to get her hopes up. But she couldn't help herself with Ryan. She knew that Ryan was her true love. She cherished that and made sure not to ruin it.

Her and Ryan had now been dating for 9 months. It is time For Morgan's baby boy. Morgan has been trying to come up with a name for him but couldn't think of any good ones.

Then it suddenly hit her...

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