Chapter 7. Naming Him

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Morgan decides to name him Ryan Danny Hill. She named him after Ryan because he was most likely going to act like the father figure in Ryan's life and also named him after Danny because he was the father figure in her life.

Morgan was in labor for 6 hours. She told Tina

"Never have a baby....It hurts so bad."

Tina just laughed at her. Ryan and Tina head back home after Morgan gives birth to Rj. When they get home Tina tells Ryan

"I'm really tired I'm gonna take a nap."

"Why are you tired?"

"I don't know maybe because we've been at the
hospital for over 5 freaking hours."

"Well Im not tired."

"Good for you but I am."

"I know a way to wake you up."



"I was just in a dirty hospital. We are not fucking until we get showers."

"Fine shower sex. One of my favorites come on let's go!"

Tina follows Ryan and laughs at him. She hasn't seen him so happy in a very long time. He is so happy that Tina is feeling better and how Morgan is having a baby and that he is named after him.

Once Ryan and Tina get done they both go to sleep since it was 5:00 in the morning. Tina didn't get much sleep because she was thinking about Morgan and her baby. She was happy for her but also worried. Tina didn't know how she could finish high school, raise a child and keep a job. It was going to be very hard on her, but Tina promised Morgan that she was going to do everything in her power to help her out.

Ryan and Tina wake up around 10:30am. Ryan wants to hurry up and get back to the hospital to see his nephew. Tina loves to see him so excited over Rj. Tina thinks it is the cutest thing in the world.

They both get to the hospital. They see that Morgan isn't in her room so they sit there and wait on her to get back wherever she went.

When Morgan gets back to her room she looks pale and sick. She just got back after a surgery. She had to get an emergency surgery because she tore her uterus wall and started to bleed out. The doctors didn't discover this until 4-5 in the morning. Tina was very upset with the hospital because her best friend almost died because of they didn't do their job. She asked them.

"Will she be okay now?"

"Yes, we barely caught it in time."

"Why didn't you check to make sure she was okay?!"

"This is a very rare occasion. Nothing like this has ever happened in this hospital till now."

"Well be more fucking careful. Be sure that someone is okay before telling people she is perfect fine."

"I'm sorry miss."

"You should be!"

Ryan jumps in and tells her

"Babe look she is okay. She is breathing. She has a heartbeat. She is still alive. She is okay now so it's okay."

"If this was your best friend you would be this upset."

"I understand but she is okay. That's all that matters right now."

"Is Rj okay?" Tina asked the doctors.


"Are you sure. Are you sure like you were with Morgan."

"We will check again."


Tina and Ryan stand and wait for the nurse to get back and update them on Rj.

The nurse comes back and tells them

"The baby is fine. He has a strong heart."

"Okay." Tina says in a rude way.

Ryan tries to tell her to be nice but she just ignores him. Tina stayed with Morgan all day to make sure she was okay. Ryan would bring them food every once in a while. Ryan went home to grab some things for Morgan to make her room less depressing. Ryan gets pretty paintings off the walls and colorful blankets. He makes sure to get Morgan a change of clothes as well.

Ryan gets back to the hospital. He hands Morgan the blankets and her change of clothes while he starts to put things on the walls.

He finishes putting the decor up and asks Tina,

"Can you come back home now?"

"But Morgan, anything could..."

Ryan cuts her off.

"Listen I know that you are scared somethings gonna happen with her but she is okay. You need to come back home and sleep on your own bed and not on a couch."


"Please. I miss you at home."

"Okay. I'll tell Morgan."

"Love you!"

"Love you."

Tina gathers her stuff and begins to take unload it in the back of Ryan's truck. When she has everything she tells Morgan goodbye one last time and then leaves.

Ok their way back home Ryan pulls off the side of the road practically in the middle of no where. Tina looks at him confused and asked...

"What the hell are you doing?"

"You'll find out."

Ryan gets out of the truck and opens the door for Tina. She stands there impatiently wanting to go home. It was almost dark.

Ryan pulls out one of the extra blankets he had in his truck and laid it on the ground. He sits down on it and just stares at Tina till she sits down on it with him.

He looks at her with his beautiful dark brown eyes. She stares right back at him. He leans in to kiss her softly. Tina kissed him back making it more rough.

Ryan climbed on top of Tina. She took off Ryan's shirt and threw it off somewhere. Ryan unfastened her bra with one hand while the other was sliding her underwear off underneath her dress. She sits back up and takes Ryan's belt off along with his pants.

He lays her back down and puts his 7 inch in.

**Ill let you imagine the rest**

Ryan picks everything back up and throws it in the truck.

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