Chapter 2

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The missing girl case in Mystic Falls has been bugging me since I couldn't get into the article. I have looked up every website and article to do with missing people in Mystic Falls but there is nothing. Something isn't sitting well with me. "Dean you have been acting strange since this morning, spill" I give my brother a confused look but let out a huff. "There is this missing girl in Mystic Falls but there is nothing more than a title. I have a hunch that all these deaths and the missing girl have something in common" I explain feeling angry that I don't know any valuable information that can help us. "Well we can't do anything if we don't have any leads. I'm going out to get food. Try and maybe sleep you're exhausted" I hate it when Sam orders me around. He's the younger brother so I should be ordering him around. I watch as my brother leaves and I go to my room.

I sit on the bed lost in thought. We have hunted vampires before but this one big case has stumped me. Those filthy bloodsuckers are nothing but killers. I'm a killer but I kill to protect the innocent. I have only met one genuine vampire who isn't like the rest of them. Killing him was for his own benefit and is what he asked. How can one nest cause Sam and I to go through this much trouble?

Sam pov

I grab the bag of food and put it into the car. "Shit Cass" I jump when I turn around to have Cass standing there. "Hello Sam" plain and simple as always. I try to imply that I have food in the car and should be getting back to Dean but Cass doesn't take a hint straight forward. "I want to inform you that I am available for help when it's needed." We need more hands on this case so I guess if Cass can help then things can move forward quicker. "Thanks Cass, um I better be going but thanks" I awkwardly say getting into the car and driving towards the bunker.

When I'm almost at the bunker I get an FBI update on my phone that there is another dead body. I pull over to the side of the road and dial Dean's number. "Hurry up with the food Sammy" I ignore Dean's comment and try to remain focused on the matter at hand. "You will be eating in the car, we have another dead body." I explain and the line goes dead. Breaking every road law there is I speed as fast as I can go towards the bunker while trying to eat at the same time.

I pull up at the bunker and quickly get changed into the FBI uniform and text Dean to come to the car. I hand Dean a burger as he gets into the car with a smug look on his face. "Tonight we're getting the information we need and then tomorrow we kill those sons of a bitches" Dean's words are harsh but they are not when it comes to hunts. With enough being said Dean puts his foot on the pettle and speeds off just like he always does.

I double blink by the wretched smell that perks my nose. I notice Dean has even looked away from the crime scene. Except I do the same by a single glance at the three bodies drained and blood on the stone cold ground. A mother and two kids. For Dean and I, children are the hardest death to deal with. These vampires are truly psychotic. Why, why children? "Single mother and her two kids. I mean it when I say it Sam; we are going to catch these life draining freaks and slit their heads like flies cause this is just far from psychopath vampires" I agree with my brother knowing I want the same thing as him. I look away from the brutal scene to notice a familiar face. It's the girl Dean spoke to at the other crime scene. "Dean" I say pointing towards the chick. "Hm same chick" Dean says walking in front of me towards the girl.

The girl shivers as we approach her. "Twice in one day with the same type of killing, tell me how that isn't suspicious" Dean interrogates. I watch the expressions on the girls' faces with my brother's tone.

"My name is Bonnie Bennet, I have been tracking all vampire killings for the past two and a half years." I frown slightly in confusion hearing that Bonnie knows about the supernatural. "If you don't mind me asking, why and how?" I query.

"I'm a witch, a Bennet witch and I know that you both are hunters. I'm not an evil witch if that is what you're thinking. three and a half years ago my best friend Elena left our home town Mystic Falls to go to Washington DC but she never made it there. We lost contact with her and she was claimed dead on the news but I know Elena. She isn't dead; those bloodsuckers got her because I got a call from her and all she said was help then there was a scream and that was the last thing I heard from her two and a half years ago. Then deaths started to pop up and I saw her on the streets two months ago" Bonnie isn't lying. I can tell by the way she is talking as well as her emotion showing. This Elena girl is the same girl that Dean saw the article on. Why would information be deleted on an article but only to now start suspicion.

"I'm Dean Winchester and this is my brother Sam and I promise you Bonnie that we will find your friend. I was hoping you could help us though; we want these bloodsuckers to die as much as you do but if you come back to our bunker with us I'm sure we can make the process a lot quicker" Dean suggested.

"We are in an agreement" working with a Bennet witch this should be interesting.

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