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(I'm sorry for the inactive attendance since I have modules and other things to do but I hope I can make this up by doing this shot!)




As I take a quick duck on the tables as the restaurant is pretty slow today, well, it's because it's summer. The noodles is not paying off as usual, but our ice creams and cold beverages do!

Still, people aren't going out since it's pretty hot, I understand, even I don't want to go as well.

I also tied my hair in a single bun than my usual twos, I got pretty lazy this morning so I didn't bother to tie my hair in a fancy way.

"Hey Pucca." I put my head up as I heard a familiar voice called me, Dada.

"Yea?" I smiled, he is holding a mop.

"I uhm.. I want to ask if you could uh.. Mop the place, I'm in charge of getting some herbs outside" His voice cracked a bit, giggling as I took it without any concern.

"Of course I will, also, isn't it hot outside? Are you ok with that?" I asked, worried for Dada. He's not the type of person who can deal in intense heat.

"I-I can.. I'll bring an umbrella with me." He smiled and left the mop with me, but I grab his shoulders gently to get his attention.

"What about you do the mopping, I'll get the herbs? Sounds good?" I grin.

Dada gulped as he almost shake his head "B-but, what if you pass out? I don't want uncles to—"

"Oh shush! I've been there, there's no need to worry. Give me the list, I know where they are anyways." As I lend my hand to get the list, Dada was hesitant to give it but gave in as I plead.

"Let's see... Oregano, Basil, lemon grass.. Yada yada.. Yep, I know where these are located. Leave it to me!" My energy came back, despite the high weather. To be honest, I want to do something since I have nothing better to do anyways.

"I-I see.. I'll get the umbrella for you." Dada said and head towards the kitchen.

After a few seconds, he gave me the umbrella and basket. I grab them both but a heavy feeling has felt when I equip the basket, opening it and I saw a water bottle.

"I put it there, if you ever need to replenish.." He said and put up a weak smile.

I awed and squeezed Dada's cheeks, "Awww thank you." Giggling afterwards.

As I let go, Dada massaged his cheeks as it turns red.

I bid a farewell as I left the restaurant's foothold and off to get what spices my uncles' need.

It is indeed hot and sunny, despite me using an umbrella, I can feel the heat bounced from the ground to my physique.

I could ask for Ching to accompany me but no, I'm ok to be myself for awhile, and also not wanting her to feel pain by this utterly sweltering weather.

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