Bonasera Escort

856 14 18

(This might not be accurate since I never know the canon of the Bonasera restaurant in the trailer, I don't know if they changed the design or it's two different characters (Casano and Ronnie). But I bet on that they're different characters)

**rqstd by ltz_adriwolf**

**Age ranging to 17-20**
**Not too accurate (?) **
**Hope u enjoy this, if not, I'll do an another one**


-3rd PoV-

It could've been a nice morning until moving vans occured, the roads is filled with moving vehicles which startled some of the villagers of Sooga.

The vans stopped just behind the corner of the forest which lies the former restaurant —Dong-King. The blunette stood in front the vans with her typical sly look as her hips sway on the side while Ayo on the side fanning her.

"They have arrived..." Her mischievous giggles escaped her lips as she call the one and only Fyah, she took out her phone and began screaming.

"FYAH! GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE AND START CONSTRUCTING!" Ring Ring exclaimed and hang up before Fyah could respond.

The gold toothed assistant —Fyah, came out running with some sort of button. "M-M'lady, here's the request you desire" He was panting and arched his back, hearing some pops.

"Good, now, I want all of you to stay back. The other might be quite messy in here" Ring Ring said as she snapped her fingers, passengers inside the vans stood out.

Muse and geishas came out with their daring outfits, butlers with a formal aqua and black attire with pink heart clip on their hairs as a representation of Ring Ring's dress code.

The chefs and the former mascot of Dong-King, Rhoderi, Jin and Casano watched from afar but of course, the one and only Casano walked forward with a glinting smile.

"Hm..? Someone isn't out yet, isn't it?" Casano said like a sort of a taunt, making the two chefs cocked their eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" They asked in unison, only for Casano to smirk more. " I don't want to ruin the party, let's just wait and see. Shall we, gentlemen?" He let out a giggle as he walk near Ring Ring.

"Ugh.... Why the last van is taking so long!?" Ring Ring stomping her heels rapidly, obviously loosing her temper.

"My, my darling, the star is always the last one. But of course, I still shine than the rest" Casano said as he whip out a file from his shirt and starts fixing his nails.

"Shouldn't I be doing that?" Ring Ring said, mentioning the file.

"Dear, I always need to be perfect. With any angle and any time of day." He hummed and the relaxing scrubbing of file enters the ear of one another.

Finally, the van with much more longer and popping out than the rest of the plain ones came out. As it stops, the door opened and revealing a long red carpet.

Everyone stood back and watched, wondering who is the mysterious model.

Then a leg appear first before their head pop out of the van, people gasped as they see a marine blue hue of hair with curls.

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