Pucca In Wonderland Pt.9

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(Thank you for waiting, I was kinda lazy but some kind of motivation ran into me so yeaaaa)

(Not the last Chapter since I'll make the 10th chapter as the last one)(long chapter btw)

(Also, the italic is for the.... Past dialogue. You'll get it once you read it, ok?)


"Wake up..."

I groan as I felt my head spin a bit, letting my eyes flutter open, trying to look around.

But something felt weird, like my surroundings. I know it's night time but... Is it night time?

Fixing my vision using my hands that rubs both of my eyes, after that, I look around and my mouth went agape that a sudden awestruck hit me.

I wasn't sitting at the hat, instead, I'm sitting at sort of void or black of nothingness.

"Where am I?" I said in a whisper.

"You're awake, hm..."

I spun around, seeing a lot of pink and red smoke working it's way around me. It's like it has its own mind, circling around me.

Then a figure appeared in front of me which made me jolt a bit for appearing so suddenly. I heard it chuckle a bit.

"Seems that we meet again"

Then it's whole face is clear, despite how dark this place is, a source of light hit it's face.

"Oh.. The smoke man from before!" I said, it's the old man with the smoking thing on top of the mushroom.

"You have quite the memory" His long beard shifted, knowing that he formed a smile.

But it made me confuse, how did I end up here? I know that I was sleeping.... And also, he never told his name.

"Um sorry.. But you've never told me your name before" I asked, he let out a puff of smoke out of his mouth.

"It was on purpose and I believe you are ready to know what is beyond you" He said, inhaling more smoke.

As he puffed, the smoke formed into some sort of play show, it's like a puppet theatre but more foggy..

"I am known as Master Soo, The Wise Whisperer in form of a Caterpillar. It is a pleasure to meet you again, Pucca" He introduced, still holding up a smile.

"Nice to meet you again, Master Soo" I replied.

He walked forward, his robe is never ending as the smoke follow him from behind, looking like a sort of tail but also an extension of his robe.

Continuously puffing in and out of smoke.

"I heard what was happening to you back there, quite a ruckus" He said calmly.

"Y-you do? Was it the rumors?" I asked, it's only been the second day and the rumors literally just flew across to so many places.

"I just know it before the rumors spread, it's expected" He said.

I widened my eyes, is he like a fortune teller or like future teller??

"How? I mean, you already know what is going to happen to me? Like... I'm going to die?" I tried my best to say my statement in a calm tone, while I'm actually frantic about it.

He shrugged "I don't want to spoil things, I simply granted someone's wish... And I believe they don't deserve it, they deserve better.." He said, making me confused more.

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