Chapter Three - Realisation

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Chapter Three

This one doesn't seem to be as popular as my Keaton one. Oh well, sad life for me. Don't forget to fan, vote and comment anyway (: Enjoy le chapter xo

I woke up the next morning and did my usual routine. It helped rid myself of the events that unfolded the previous night. I didn’t like Drew’s girlfriend Sasha, maybe it was just a really unlucky night, maybe she was actually a sweetheart and not a total flake.

God, who was I kidding? Everyone whom Drew picked was a total flake. I didn’t like any of them. I was protective like that. Drew had to be protected. He was too trusting, too willing to see the good in everyone. He didn’t see them for what they truly were; bad for him. I’d tried to set him up with a few of my friends but he found them to bland and my own friends couldn’t be themselves around him like I could. I’d tried to show him just how bad the girls he chose were but that just ended up in him being more hurt than usual.

All I could do was sit by and just hope he’d come out of it unscathed. No matter what he said, they were not going to last forever. That was a given. With the girls he chose, either it was some other guy who stole them away or they got into some trouble and had to flee. The scenarios differed, the only thing that stayed the same was that I had to clean up the shattered pieces of Drew’s heart that they left behind.

It was just past 8am when Mum came down into the kitchen, she smiled at the sight of me and stifled a yawn, “Good you’re awake. Can you take this over to Larraine’s? I said I'd do it this morning but since you're up, you can do it." She handed me an envelope, “It’s the legal documents for her court case last month."  

"I didn't know she was in court." I said as I popped a piece of mango into my mouth.

Mum started to make herself a coffee. "She got into a car accident and the other guy wanted to take her to court because he was sure he wasn't in the wrong when she said he was. I defended her in court and I have the legal document with the ruling to give her."

"And did you win?" 

She laughed, "Of course I won. It was a piece of cake. If Larraine doesn't understand anything on the letter you should be able to explain it to her. It's easy stuff." 

"Okay then cool." I finished off my fruit salad and washed my plate, "I'll just get out of my yoga clothes and head over."

I took the letter off her and headed upstairs. After a quick shower I sifted through my closest. I had taken everything out of my suitcase and put them neatly on hangers so it was easier to find clothes. I picked out high-waisted grey shorts and a pale pink, sleeveless blouse. My hair wasn't falling at it's nicest so I pulled it up into a ponytail and kept the fly-away bits back with a simple headband. After slipping on my black sandals and grabbing my bag and tying a simple scarf around my neck, I went downstairs. Mum gave me the keys to her car because my car was in New York. I would've rather taken the 6 hour flight and have no car than drive 40 hours. 

I found Larraine in the kitchen when I went over. She was happy to see me and just like a lot of other things here, she hadn't changed one bit. She was still the lovely lady I had meet back in my Sophomore year. I gave her the letter and explained a few things about the settlement. She seemed pleased over all. We talked about New York and caught up on what I had missed before it ticked past nine o'clock. It wasn't a surprise none of the boys had surfaced from their rooms. Larraine had to go to work so she left me to wake them up because she wanted them to do a few chores she needed done. Once she was out the door I made my way up to Drew's room. I didn't bother knocking. I just went in. I wasn't expecting to see Sasha lying next to him, asleep. Larraine had a strict no-girls-in-rooms-overnight rule. Even at the age of 19 it was enforced. I stood like a statue looking at them. They were both naked that was for sure. I couldn't see anything but it was pretty obvious. Her red hair was draped over his chest. I felt like I was invading something dirty so I backed out of the room and went to Wes'.

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