Chapter Two

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Happiness is not about getting all you want, it's about enjoying all you have




  "Zarah would you tell us what ever it is you want to tell us already and stop grinning like a moron?" Justin demanded a little bit too sweetly, he tapped his feet impatiently on the floor, forming an irregular rhythm.

  Zarah mock glared at him "I'm not a moron!" She huffed out an irritated breath. She took in a deep breath and within seconds she was smiling widely, She shuffled from feet to feet as she could barely keep her excitement at bay.

  "Zarah you are wasting my time" Her mother warned. Although she sounded stern, you could tell she was amused by her twinkling eyes.

  "Okay" She took another deep breath and barred her pearly whites at them again. "MomIwonascholarship" Zarah said all in one breath.

  "You're rapping, can you please slow down? I didn't hear a word you said" Justin requested.

  "I...said...I...won...a...scholarship" Zarah said slowly, enunciating each word like she was talking to a toddler.

  It took a minute for them to assimilate what she said.

  "Wait! You mean you won a scholarship?" Her mother asked, surprise and disbelief evident in her voice.

  "Yeah, remember the scholarship exam I took few months ago just for the fun of it?" She paused peering at the faces of her mother and daughter. They nodded in confirmation, eager her to continue.

  "Since I used Precious's email, they sent her and an email and she just printed it out from a cyber cafe, and guess what?" She paused dramatically "I'm to start at Regal academy tomorrow!" She squealed waving the paper she was holding excitedly in their faces.

  "Wait!" Justin jumped up and snatched the paper out of her hand. His eyes scanned the paper quickly and he thrust it into his mother's hand who was frozen in shock.

  He hoisted her off the ground with relative ease and gave her a swirl happily and Zarah melodious laughter pealed across the room.

  "I still can't believe this! You won a scholarship? And to Regal academy?" He asked to be sure of what he heard after he had put her down.

"Huh-uhn" Zarah nodded, she could barely hold back her grin.

"I'm so proud of you" Tears shone n his eyes as he planted a tender kiss on his younger sister's forehead.

Ruth walked slowly to where her children stood, retying her wrapper as she walked.

  "Zarah, you won a scholarship?" She asked in a daze. The word scholarship sounded foreign on her tongue. Zarah nodded firmly in affirmation.

"My daughter won a scholarship" she repeated her eyes brimming with unshed tears of joy.

Zarah's mom took her daughter's head in her hand affectionately. Her eyes searched Zarah's and it asked the same question and she nodded again.

Ruth pulled her daughter in for a warm embrace, the tears she was trying to keep at bay broke through her restraint, her sleeping emotions bursting forth.

Zarah - infinite dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now