Chapter Eight

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Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.




  Adaora walked through the hallway briskly. She was confused, she had no reasonable excuse for what happened back there and neither did she know where she was going but she kept on walking anyway. Her feet led her to the school garden.

"Adah! Adah! Wait!" Zarah hurried after her, panting for breath. She was finding it difficult to keep up with Adaora which was quite understandable since Adaora had longer legs.

Adaora slowed down her pace running her hand through her braids in frustration. She looked for a nearby wooden flopped down unto it. With a sigh, she placed her head in her hands.

Zarah sat down beside her slowly and Adaora scooted over instinctively to make more room for her on the bench.

She stared down at her slender fingers hesitantly and snuck a glance at Adaora through her lashes. She was confused on what to say, she wanted to put her hand across Adaora's shoulder but she wasn't sure if she should.

She took in a deep breath and started tentatively "Uh... Adah...." She drawled out, unsure of what she was supposed to say.

"I dunno!" Adaora blurted out immediately.

"Huh...?" Zarah asked, slightly taken aback. She hadn't even said anything yet.

"I don't know okay? I know what you're about ask. You want to ask why I did what I did back there right?" She glanced at her and without waiting for her reply, she continued.

"Even I am confused, I don't know why I left. I just know I lost my appetite and I hated being the center of attraction, without waiting to think, I left. I still don't know why but I...."

Zarah gently placed her hand on Adaora's shoulder, instantly cutting off her ramblings.

"It's okay, you don't owe anybody any explanation, so you don't have to say anything, okay?" Zarah said softly, her voice was barely above a whisper.

"Okay" Adaora mumbled quietly.

Feeling accomplished at the calm that washed over Adaora's features, she retracted her hand from her shoulder and basked in the warmth of the morning sunshine with a wide grin plastered across her face.

They sat in a comfortable silence just swinging their legs back and forth with a contented smile playing across their lips, the gentle breeze caressing their faces.

"Em..." Reluctantly, Zarah brought her legs to a halt and stoop up. Adaora's eyes followed her curiously. "So... To the class or the cafeteria?"

Adaora stood up and wiped off imaginary dirt off her skirt with her hands. "To the class of course! There is no way I'm going back to that hellhole today" She declared earning a chortle from Zarah.

The bell rang almost immediately, signalling the end of the break.

"Torh! Break is already over sef! Class it is then!" Zarah said with a smile "So shall we?" She asked, amusement lacing her tone as she held out her arm to her.

Zarah - infinite dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now