Chapter Seven

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Dedicated to ibby_gal, Thanks for the support 😘. Do check out her book guys, trust me you'd love it.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest achievement.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson



  "What took you so long?" Adaora asked Zarah as soon as she took her seat beside her.

"I went round the school thrice looking for where to change the marker until someone helped me out"


Zarah took out her physics exercise note and pen from her bag, she wilted against the back of the chair ready to enjoy the day lessons.

Few minutes into the lesson, the door swung open and a boy, Zarah assumed to be around her age appeared at the door. All eyes including that of the teacher's zeroed in on him.

"Good morning" He greeted the teacher unfazed by attention he was receiving.

He had this calm, relaxed aura surrounding him, like he had no care in the world whatsoever as he strolled lazily in the class. His bag was hung carelessly on one shoulder while the other was thrust casually in his pocket.

He was tall with a slender athletic build, his dark brown silky hair was gelled back to perfection, he had chocolate brown eyes complemented by long dark eyelashes. It almost gave him a feminine look which contrasted with his slim face and sharp features.

His uniform was nearly ironed and well fitted, His tie hung loosely around his neck and the first two buttons of his shirt was undone. That didn't make him look unkempt, in fact, Zarah thought it made him look hotter.

Zarah cheeks flushed as she stared wide eyed.

Did she just call him hot ?

He looked up and his eyes met hers. Zarah looked away quickly, embarrassed at being caught staring.

He scanned the class quickly looking for where to seat and ended up sitting two seats behind her.

Bringing her voice down to a barely audible whisper, she asked Adaora "Who is he?"

Adaora tilted her head to the left slightly and raised a brow "Do you like him?" She asked bluntly.

"Ada!" Zarah whisper yelled, she was very grateful for melanin, if not she would have been as red as a tomato. She glanced around the room quickly, hoping that no one heard her and no one seemed to. They - The girls especially were busy doing one thing or the other but very very busy that it was beginning to get suspicious.

"What?" Adaora asked nonchalantly.

"I didn't say I like him, I just asked who he was" Zarah scratched her neck nervously.

Zarah - infinite dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now