Chapter Three

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Don't believe you have to be anybody to be somebody


This chapter is dedicated to divinviolet for the amazing cover photos 😘


Zarah smile uneasily and rubbed her sweaty palms on her dress.

"Oh, good morning" The teacher stared at her, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

"Sorry, you can come in" He added when he noticed she was still standing at the door.

An uncomfortable feeling overwhelmed her as she walked into the classroom. She was aware that all their gazes were fastened on her which made her very self conscious.

She lowered her gaze.

"You're new right?" The teacher asked her.

"Yes sir" She responded meekly, her voice was barely audible.

"Your name?"

"Zarah Adavize"

A smile lit his face. "Oh! You were the one who scored the highest in the school maths exam, I've been waiting to see you. Your performance were impressive" He rapped all in one breath. Tilting his head to the side, he asked "I think You scored ninety eight, Am I right?

Zarah nodded still staring at the floor.

"Welcome to Regal academy, the school would be lucky to have you, I hope you enjoy your stay with us"

"Hmm..." He had a strange glint in his eyes as it scanned the class. His gaze landed on an empty chair at the end of the class. "You can sit there and if you're not comfortable sitting there you can let me know"

Zarah looked up and caught the scowl on a girl's face and her eyes reverted back to her toes immediately. She scampered over to where she was asked to sit, she didn't make the mistake of looking at anyone again although she could feel their stares until she arrived at her seat.

She could clearly hear all the furious whispers about her but she chose to pretend she didn't hear.

"She's so beautiful" Came an astounded whisper

"Huh!" A feminine voice snorted "I think she's rather ugly, can't you see she's flat"

"Humph! You're just jealous"

"How could I be jealous of someone that poor, see the cheap bag and sandals she's wearing"

"But you can't deny the fact that the dress is beautiful"

"All the same she's poor"

"And I still maintain that you're jealous because you're not half as beautiful or as intelligent as she is"

"Okay, class!" The teacher started and the students grumbled under their breath.

"Eh, Uhn... Zarah, Like I said earlier, You're welcome to Regal academy, My name is Bassey Ojodomah and I'll be taking you maths"

Zarah nodded with a wide grin to hide her nervousness.

"Lemme give you a quick rundown of what's on the board" He pointed at the white marker board on which some solutions were scribbled down in his horrible writing "The topic's logarithm, you must have been taught that in SS1. Am I right?"

Zarah - infinite dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now