Chapter Thirteen

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   "What's going on here?" She asked loudly. The whole class ignores her, all except Zarah and Adaora who kept mute, staring fixedly at her.

"Are you guys deaf?" And the class fell deathly silent, even the Mp3 player stooped playing abruptly as if on command. They stared on at her incredulously.

"I believe I'm not talking to animals? I. Said. What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On. Here?"

The class still quiet stared unblinkingly at her. Having gotten the attention of the class, she took in a deep breath launched into a long lecture on respect and stuff.

Zarah and Adaora both shared a look while her classmates, as if breaking off from a spell started whispering furiously.

Where did this one come from again now?

Who the f**k does she think she is?

Ugh! She so round!

And let's not forget fat and ugly!

In her mind now she deserves respect.

I don't know why she thinks she can order us around.

Some bold voices snickered loudly in the pretext of whispering. Dupe blinked, trying her best to ignore their whispers as she went on with her talk.

"She's so ugly! I would have killed myself if I had that kind of body!" A feminine voice whispered, only it wasn't really a whisper because the class whole class heard it; Senior Dupe not excluded.

"Who just said that?" She asked slowly with a strange calmness that scared Zarah shitless.

The class as usual did what they knew best - They kept quiet.

"I . asked . who . just . said . that?" She reiterated, she was pulsing with so much anger that Zarah guessed if she was a cartoon character, steam would have probably been coming out of her both ears.

A pin drop silence followed her question.

She scanned the class quickly and her eyes landed on Zarah.


"M -m- me?" Zarah could swear her heart stopped for a second as she stuttered out a reply.

"Yes you!" She confirmed staring directly at her.

Zarah stood up quickly, well aware of the fact that her classmates were staring at her intently. Her nerves were in shreds and she took a deep breath to calm her racing pulse.

"Who was that?" Dupe asked

"Uh... Who was who?" She replied feigning ignorance, she herself was surprised at how calm and steady her voice was.

"You know who I'm talking about" Dupe snapped back, irritation seeping into her tone "I asked you to tell me who just said that"

"Em... I dunno, I just resumed so I don't even know the names of most of my classmates"

"Can't you just... Like, point the person out?"

"I still don't know, I wasn't looking and I can't tell their voices part yet" Nothing on Zarah thankfully, betrayed her fear.

"You know what? You're useless!" She huffed "Just sit"

"And... A -and... And..." She wagged a finger at the class while glaring at their faces which they in turn returned with daring looks.

"Humph!" She huffed irritably and flounced out of the class.

In less than a few minutes, she was back with the head boy, senior Christian.

Zarah had never seen her classmates that scared in her entire life, they were literally shaking with fear as they watched him amble into the class ever so casually, pure horror etched unto their faces.

She studied him intently, although the Christian in front of them was so different from the one she was introduced to in the cafeteria, she still couldn't see the reason dreaded him that much. He exuded this laid back aura and he drawled a lot... Plus he was good looking, like very good looking.

As if he was aware of Zarah's scrutinizing gaze, he turned to stare back at her. Her heart skipped a beat and her cheeks burned but she didn't look away.

He held her gaze for seconds, Zarah thought she saw a flicker of interest cross his formerly flinty eyes before he turned back to continue addressing the class.

With bated breaths, the hushed classroom listened to Christian talk, only then did she realize that he had being saying something, she only managed to catch his last words.

"... If you fail to provide the person in one minute" Though his voice was flat and his face expressionless, his last words hung in the air nonetheless like a bad omen, heavy and ominous.

It instilled fear in every one of them including Zarah and Adaora but they remained silent. Dupe stood right beside him smirking down at them, her not too long hands folded across her chest.

Contrary to what she told Dupe, Zarah knew all too well who the culprit was. Even though she was right about not knowing the names of all her classmates, she had stayed long enough to know Diane. She and Abdul Ganiu were the first one would notice in the class, they were like the worst of their set. Teachers couldn't teach for ten minutes without calling them out or scolding them for one reason or the other. Their parents were top government officials so they were spoilt rotten.

She contemplated whether to speak up or not because Christian did not sound like he was joking. She knew if she talked she'd automatically earn the enmity of the class, it was like an unspoken rule, once you become part of the class you unanimously swear to stick together, right or wrong, either outcast or no outcast.

If she spoke up, it'd mean going against the whole class and she wondered if it was worth it.

Then she decided.

"It was Diane"



😎😎😎 Yho peoples!!!!!

It's me agaaiiiinnnn!!! Yeah I am back with my wahala 😂😂😂💔

I know I've not posted for a long time and I'm sorry, I wouldn't blame you if you quit reading this book sef 😫. I wouldn't give any excuses, I know I have the biggest commitment issues ever.

I just quit work so I'd be updating regularly since I have a lotta free time on my hands 😅😅😅 Well I pray I can.

How're my babies doing??

Well I'm fine... If you want to ask 😏

Sorry about the chapter, I know it's short, I'd try to make it up to you by updating another right soon. Like very siin, trust me on this one 🤗🤗🤗.

Back to the book sef, 😳😳😳 What just happened there???

😹😹😹 My baby haff go and enter trouble oh!

Issokay lemme go and type the other chapter jare 😁

Please tap that little star below, it won't take you two seconds plus you would make me very happy.

Don't forget to comment sha

Hugs and kisses 😘💖💖💖💖💗💗💗💗💗💝💝💝💝💕💕

Signing out


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