Chapter Four

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When you're content to be yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone would respect you.




"Hey" Adaora's calm voice called.

Zarah whose head was bent over her table sat up immediately on hearing her voice.

She handed over to Zarah the bottle of fanta and biscuit she was holding.

"You didn't get anything during break and you haven't eaten anything since then, it's already twelve and I wanted to go get some snacks. So I thought I should get you something too" She smiled sweetly.

Flustered, Zarah stared about confused. It took her a minute to realize what planet she was.

She stared at her hands, she wondered why she was holding the biscuit and fanta. A wave of realization hit her as Adaora words came rushing back to her.

"Oh! Thank you. Although you didn't have to"

Adaora shrugged "You're welcome" With that she slipped into her seat beside Zarah.

Zarah looked at the biscuit and gasped "Isn't this expensive? This costs a hundred and the fanta two hundred. Isn't it too much?" She asked, surprise coloured her tone.

"No no it's not, besides I got more than that" She gestured to the egg roll, fanta and doughnut sitting on her desk.

"Thank you" Zarah repeated sincerely. Normally she felt uncomfortable collecting things from people she didn't know too well but strangely Adaora did not seem like a stranger to her and besides she was really hungry and didn't want to spend the money her mom gave her, it could come in handy later.

"Don't mention"

Zarah ate half of the biscuit and drank half of the fanta. She fastened the bottle cap and threw it inside her desk.

Adaora frowned "You are full already? Or is it that you don't like the biscuit? I wanted to get you an egg roll or doughnut but I figured since you weren't there when I bought it, you'd like something bottled or wrapped"

"Oh no! I like the biscuit, I'm just full" She lied knowing too well the main reason she didn't finish it was because she wanted to give it to Joseph. She couldn't even remember the last time he saw fanta talk less of drinking it.

"Okay..." Adaora drawled out staring at her strangely. It was obvious she didn't believe her but Zarah was thankful she didn't push it.

Zarah shoved her books in her bag quickly and slung it over her shoulders immediately she heard the bell that signalled the end of the day's lesson.

"Are you going home now? Should I wait for you?" She directed at Adaora who was stacking her books neatly in her bag.

"Yes, let me finish arranging my books"

Zarah remembered the half bottle of fanta and biscuit in her desk and was glad she didn't forget it. She picked it up and and put it in her backpack and by the time she was done Adaora was up and ready.

"Let's go"

Justin was already at the gate waiting for her by the time she escaped the bunch of students that cluttered the school compound. For an expensive school it was quite populated although nothing compared to her previous school.

Justin scratched his head in confusion as he stared clueless around the large school.

Zarah let out an amused chuckle, his expression was very funny.

Zarah - infinite dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now