Every blow leaves a mark

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Thranduil left the roof. I felt so......empty. Sighing, I stood up. I walked to my room and changed into some suitble sleeping clothes. I lay down on my bed, letting the sleepiness wash over me...

Sunlight was pouring through my window. Sitting up I yawned. I climed out of my bed and walked to my wardrobe, sighing, I opened the door. A golden glitter caught my eye. The necklace! It hung on a small hook, on the inside of the door. Arwen, I might be able to see her! Grabbing the necklace, I pressed my finger to the blank spot in the middle. The necklace spilt open, seamlessly.  The smoky glass began to clear. Arwen's face appered. "Tauriel, why do you need to call this time? It's only five hours past sunrise!". Arwen's face looked curious..bug a little bit indignant to. "Arwen, it's Legolas......When I was in the Healing wing. He brought me food, before he left.........he...he...he kissed me." I spilled the whole story before I could stop myself. "Tauriel, if this is troubling you, confront Legolas. Accuse him. Send him along the path of guilt. Make him see wrong in his doing." Arwen gave me nurmerous suggestions. "But Arwen, if I confront him, he will bring the blame back to me. He has a higher position than me, he could easily riddle a story of woe for me!" I prostested. "Ah, but would he, Tauriel? If he really does love you, he wouldn't tell anyone. He would be torn between right and love for you. He won't tell, I know he won't". And then, just like that, Arwen faded. The glass fogged over, and the necklace, once again sealed itself. I placed the necklace back on the hook, and changed into my uniform. Closing the wardrobe doors, I walked towards the door. I bent down, scooping up my weapons. And then I left the room. No sooner that I had left the room, a maid came running to me. "Captain Tauriel, Captain Tauriel! I have a message for you!". She handed me a rolled peice of parchment. The royal seal was stampped upon it. I sliced the seal open with the tip of my dagger. The letter read;


You will not do your duties for a moon cycle, they will be covered by another gaurd. You are not to go outside after or before curfew. You will come to the Throne Room after the luncheon feast, in the Dining Hall. You will bring your weapons with you.

- King Thranduil

This order has been aproved and allowed by his excellency, King Thranduil

So Thranduil didn't want me to do my duties? That was fine, I didn't hate my duties but.. I wouldn't miss them anytime soon. "Thank you" I told the maid, I began to make my way to the Dining Hall, at least I'd get some food. I gently pushed open the doors. Everyone was silent. People where eating, but they were not relaxed. Usually, there would be a babble of talk, sound of people laughing and people smiling. Not today. Today everyone was silent, expressionless and stone cold. Thranduil in particular. I could see anger bubbling, close to the surface, his face showed it all. I walked quickly and quietly to my allocated chair. Sitting down, I whispered to Merduil, a member of the gaurd. "Why is everyone so silent and still? Where is all the laughter, happiness and talk?". "You do not know, Tauriel? Legolas was seen....seen kissing a girl, a girl lower to his rank!", Merduil whispered. He sounded shocked and slightly excited.  I felt ever so sorry for him. He looked up to Legolas, he tried ever so hard when Legolas watched the gaurd training. Then I noticed something, something In what Merduil had said... he was seen kissing a girl, a girl lower to his rank!... So they knew.

My secret was no longer safe. 


I sat at the head of the table, glaring at anyone who dared to look at me. The door creaked open, Tauriel slipped in. My eyes travelled with her movement, resting when she sat down. Then I returned my gaze to the table. The table was groaning under the weight of the food and drink. The only movement was when someone took some more food or poured themselved more drink. Otherwise nothng moved. Tauriel lent close to her neighboor, Merduil. What was she going to do now? She whispered something into his ear, he whispered something back. Tauriel's face looked blank, white and shocked. Then she stood up, anger clouded her face. Like a storm does to the sky before it strikes. Tauriel turned a fled from the Dining Hall. Legolas made a small 'humph' in protest and squirmed in his chair. I however, let my lips curve into a small smirk. Legolas had no more distractions. I was happy. I sat a little higher. I clapped my hands four times. The sound rang clear over the silent Dining Hall. Only now was there movement. Benches being scrapped back, the sound of feet rushing towards the entrance. Then silence... "Father, please, please forgive me!". Legolas burst out. His eyes were wide and fearful.

Is it long enough guys? Coment below and tell me! And vote if you like the chapter.

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