Secrets and Lies, they make trouble

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The necklace....beautiful. Sitting down at my desk, I began to compose a letter to Arwen.

Dear Arwen,

Thank you very much for the beautiful necklace, I love it. Legolas and Thranduil are well. There have been more spiders on our bored, they are growing bolder with each passing day. I worry they will attack, Thranduil will not let us kill them at their source. For it is past our borders, he tells me. I do not know why he will not let me or the Mirkwood Army cross the borders and attack the fortress. How are you and Lord Elrond? I know I ought to have asked that earleir. But Arwen, I do not know what to do, for I have troubles that I have never had before. As a friend, would you help me? I will not put it in this letter for the reason that it might fall into the wrong hands. I know I ought not to put this in a letter but, I feel I must... Legolas has shown his feelings for me, I have known it all this time. But I fear Thranduil knows, this could end badly. For I am sure you can see the flaw, Thranduil has more power than me or Legolas, or even us put together. I fear that he might suspect something is between us even if there is not. You know Thranduil, if he suspects something he will wait for little evidence before he acts. I will say no more. I like you and you are a very dear friend to me, I want us to see eachother again. Sooner rather than later. I would visit you in Rivendell, but Thranduil will not let me...or anyone to be honest with you. I do hope the orcs and spiders will keep at bay for both Rivendell and Mirkwood. I hope you and Lord Elrond keep safe.

Yours truly,


I read my letter once more, I liked it. Now how to work the necklace? I knew it had to have some kind of magic. Arwen rarely sent anything that was not magical. Otherwise she would have said. I held the pendant in my hand. The gems and jewels didn't do anything, they did not move, open, reveal or hide anything. Then I saw it. That blank, golden area in the middle. I went to touch it. I placed my thumb on the blank spot. Click! Something was opening! What was it? I gasped. It had split down the side, it was opening like a locket. I gasped yet again. Instead of a picture there was a misty glass pane. What was it for? Yet again, I gasped. The mist was clearing! Arwen's face was staring up at me. "Tauriel, I have been expecting you for some time now. Whta took you so long?" Arwen asked me. "Arwen, I was going to write you a letter! If I had known how to work it's magic...I would have been talking to you for much longer....". "I understand Tauriel, it's magic can take a while to work, but now to the important things, orc and spiders. They have been growing bolder, something is controling them. We need to find what is.". "But Arwen, what would posses such foul creatures of darkness? They are a danger to everyone!" I cried. "Everyone on the good side, Tauriel" said Arwen with a sad smile. "Can we save our future? Is it possible, Arwen" I asked her. "Yes, but if we do not act soon....I am afraid we will not be able to. Goodbye, Tauriel". And then the glass turned smokey, and Arwen vanished. So that was how the necklace worked, it worked like a window. From Mirkwood to Rivendell. How interesting.... I decided I would go to the rooftop gardens, I needed some fresh air. I stood up and left the room, slipping the necklace around my neck.

Little did I know, the person I wanted to see the least would find me there......Thranduil

Sorry for te short chapter guys! I did say I'd write a long one, so the next one will be long. I promise! I was busy over the Chinese New Year Hoilday, but now I'm back to school. I can write longer chapters!

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