Love's a dangerous game to play

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Pacing the length of my room for the upteenth time, I thought to myself again, Why was Legolas suddemly excited that Tauriel was fine? I knew that they were childhood friends but....was there something they were not telling me? Something..hidden Something that would be dangerous? Something that they didn't want me find out about? Was Curious to find out, I left my room and made my way to the Healing wing. Looking through the ajar door I saw what I feared most, Legolas was talking to Tauriel...and eating with her. Rage boiling up like lava, I stormed back to my chamber. How was I supposed to show my feelings to Tauriel if Legolas was fawning all over her? It just wasn't possible.....Despair washing over me like a wave I stood up, leaving my room, I walked to the throne room. Seating myself in the throne, I felt better. Here I could rule over everyone, even Legolas. I could send him out on duty, but then that might look suspisious....Him leaving the castle then me in the Healing wing, people must suspect.... I needed a better, more cunning plan. I needed to get Tauriel's attentition without it being obvious, it needed to be subtle. After that everything would be easy, a simple kiss would have her wrapped around around my finger. She would bow at my feet for more, do whatever I asked for more, do almost anything... I was so busy with my plans that I didn't notice a healer coming in. "My lord-I- this is hard to say- your-son- oh, goodness.." She stammered. "What do want to tell me?" I asked her. "Your son, I saw him....he was....he was kissing Tauriel" she looked terrified. Fixing her with a cold stare I said "Thank you for telling me, you may go now.". Curtsying, she turned and left. So what I had thought and feared was true, Legolas did really like Tauriel. My plan would be a lot harder now.. How to get Tauriel, she liked Legolas.......This would be difficult...Very difficult... Thinking of Legolas, I left the throne room to find him. Going to the Healing wing first I looked in. He was not there. Going down to the kitchens I checked there, thinking he might have returned the dishes. Not finding hime there, I started to worry. He hadn't realised his mistake of kissing Tauriel and fled to the forest and done something rash had he? Looking into his chamber and finding it empty, I ran to the rooftop. Turning the handle, I burst onto the roof. Looking round I saw a familiar red head. Tauriel.... What was she doing here? Walking towards her I stood above her. Turning round under my shadow she stood up. "Thranduil, please I know it-" cutting across her I started "And why were you kissing my son? You should know you are not allowed to! He is a PRINCE Tauriel!" The anger I had conceled all morning burst out of me like water breaking a bank. Her face was blank, she looked stunned. "Thranduil, you really think that I would kiss Legolas? He kissed me, I did not kiss him. I would have thought you knew, he has been showing his feelings for me ever since we captured the dwarves last year." her relpy was calm and confident, and she was smirking. "But you still let Legolas kiss you, Tauriel" I replied, my tone cold and unforgiving. "Thranduil, I was weak form my injury, how could I?" she snappily relpied. "Then why are you up here if you are still weak from your injury, should you not be in the Healing wing?" I replied with a slight tone of annoyence in my voice. "I have made steady progress since my injury!" she said in clearly affronted tones. Not wanting her to yell at me, I said "So, I will just leave you here to sort out your own problems shall I?". Turning to leave she said "Please stay, I rather enjoyed your company....even if it was a shouting..match" she replied with a slight tinge of embarrasment. "I will stay, if that is what you wish" I told her. Smiling, she returned to the bench she had been sitting on. Following her, I sat beside her. I was going to win her over, tonight. Sighing to herself she said "The stars look incredibly beautiful tonight." she whispered. "I have gone up there sometimes, out of the dark and up into the night. I have seen the world fall away...but the white light forever fill the air..." Tauriel murmured. "You speak like a true poet, Tauriel" I told her. "Thank you Thranduil" she whispered back.


 I heard footsteps approaching my door, it creaked open. Legolas was here. Walking over to me he sat down, passing me a plate full of all my favourite things. Chicken, vegetables, soup and fresh spring water. "Do you feel better now, Tauriel?" Legolas asked me. "I think I will be well enough to do my duties tomorrow" I told Legolas. He smiled. "That is good to hear, now please, eat some food" Picking up my knife and fork I began to eat. "It feels very nice to eat again" I told Legolas. Smiling he said "You have not eaten for a long time, am I right?". "Yes, I have not eaten since......the Battle of Five Armies...." Thinking once more of Kili, I continued to eat. Hoping it would push him out of my mind. "Tauriel, do you rhink you will be well enough to go to your duties tommorow?" Legolas asked. "Yes, I think I shall be well enough and if I can not attend to my duties tommorrow.......I think I should be well enough by the day after next" I told him. "Thank you.......for bringing the food". "You are very welcome...mellon" he said with a grin. Then the unthinkable happened, Legolas picked up the dishes and then................................kissed me. He kissed me. Standing then turning, he left the room. Fanning myself with my hand I thought, What just happened? Why did he do that? Why? Standing up, I made to leave the room. Even though lunch would still be going o in the Dining Hall, I decided I would go to one on my favourite places, my room. Once inside, I sighed. My room felt so calming, comppared to the Healing wing.....this was paradise. Yes, the Healing wing was elegant with it's glossy oak floors, refreshing water fountain in the corner and entwined branches pattern around the celing. But my room was.....better. Even though it was not as big as Legolas's it was bigger than the servants rooms so...... Sighing, I sat down on my bed. I sat up again. Noticing a plain light yellow box that was proppong open the door of my wardrobe. Since when was that there? I moved to open it. Undoing the pretty pink sash, I noticed a note. It said:

Dear Tauriel,

I hope I find you well. I am very well, Rivendell is fine but...since the last ball. I find that I rather miss Mirkwood. I was hoping I could visit sometime soon. But I do not think that would me a good idea, even though I would love to come. The orcs will be more active than usual, stirred up after the Battle of Five Armies. I promise I will visit but I am afraid it will be a little time yet. The orcs have tried to enter the secret passage to Rivendell! But thankfully Lord Elrond put a spell across the entrance, only those with a pure heart and good intentions can pass through. I have had several visits from Radagast the Brown and Beorn. Radagast is a funny wizard, he is more kind and forgiving than Sauron or the two Blues. I should have asked this sooner but how are King Thranduil and Prince Legolas? I find them well too. I have heard some funny rumors but I know I ought not to trust them, but I still remain curious. Were you hit with a Morgul shaft? Is it true? I will not believe the rumors...but if you say they a true, I will take your word for it. I will keep you well informed with all the things I hear in Rivendell, please do the same for me.

Yours truly,


I wonder what the gift is... Setting the note aside I opened the box. I gasped. There amogst the cradle silk lay the most beautiful necklace I had ever seen. It had a small, golden blank space in the middle, around it was a beautiful silver entwining pattern and set into it was eight gems. A ruby, an amber, a topaz, an emerald, a sapphire, an amythest, a pink tourmaline and then a pure white diamond.

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