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A few days later, and it was the engagement party. All of Rain and Ben's friends were invited to an area near the edge of Auradon and everyone was dressed up.

Rain and Ben walk out and smile at Fairy Godmother and both sets of parents, waving out to everyone as they clap.

"Um hi," Rain stars once they get to the balcony "Princess Rain here, but you all know that," the VK's and Rain's sister laugh at Rain and she glares at them, mouthing several profanities at them and Mal laughs into Ruby's shoulder "I just want to thank you for celebrating our engagement with us today,"

"I couldn't be prouder or happier to call you my Queen," Ben mumbles to her and she rolls her eyes fondly "So... raise your glasses!" Ben shout to the crowd "To our future Queen of Auradon"

"To our Queen of Auradon!" everyone raises their glasses of champagne.

"Speech! Speech! Speach!"

"Shut up Carlos!" Rain shouts down

"Yes ma'am,"

"Anyway, for my speech," Rain grins and the people down below laugh "Um...I wasn't really told what to say, which is ironic considering everyone here loves telling me what to say and do," she half-jokes "But...we all know this engagement is less about me marrying Ben and me becoming Queen of Auradon," Down below Audrey nods, cocking her head to the side with a glass of champagne in her hand.

"See! Audrey gets it!" Rain points and she grins as she watches Audrey spit out her drink.

"Let's be honest about it shall we? I don't want to be your Queen," she admits and there are gasps everywhere "I want to marry Ben, of course I do," she reassures looking over at him "But I don't want to be Queen of Auradon, not when it's like this. Not when the people I grew up with and love are over on the Isle, those should be my people to," she puts her hand out, looking at the Isle, imagining Uma over there right now "This place is so stuck in its ways," Rain sighs "I don't want to be the Queen of an unprogressive Kingdom,"

It's completely silent and Rain continues "There was a decision made, to close the barrier for good - again. And I completely disagree with that. There are people on the Isle who have changed, there are children on the Isle who are good and who still love their parents,"

"We can't have this unexplainable Power, we can't want to rule everything and anything, and we also can't live in fear, because what good does that do? We shouldn't be scared of the Isle and they shouldn't be envious of us. Because look around! Look at how beautiful everything is! Everyone deserves this, everyone deserves a second chance,"

"We don't know where the villains are going to come from, and we don't know where the heroes will come from. Without Uma and her friends, you'd all still be asleep or turned to stone. Without Hades, I wouldn't be standing in front of your right now and Audrey would be asleep for thousands of years"

"You want me as your queen? Okay, but I want to be the Queen of Auradon and the Isle. You're going to have to accept that the barrier to the Isle will come down and that there will be 'villains' living among you, like there always has been,"

"We can't do that!" Adam shouts and Ben looks back

"It's up to us, Dad. I choose to be a King who moves forward. It's time for forgiveness. It's time for new beginnings," Ben looks at the crowd "The barrier will come down!" Everyone cheers and Ben puts his arm around Rain's waist as people clap. Ben kisses Rain's cheek.

"You know, you could have told me you were going to do a whole 5-minute speech,"

"Oh, shut up," Rain grins "I'm not done yet,"

"Obviously the barrier won't be open right now!" Rain shouts out the crowd "That would be crazy and impulsive, because there are still some bad people there, I'll admit that, but I won't become your queen until my home, our home," she looks at her best friends "is open and ready for change," everyone claps again and Rain looks up at Ben "Now I'm done," Ben laughs and kisses her.

"So, what's your plan?"

"To not listen to your parents or council,". 

MOTHER ONLY KNOWS...ENVY { 3rd - Mother Knows series - ORIGINAL}Where stories live. Discover now