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Ben leads everyone through the forest on their way to Fairy cottage, they all keep down and basically sneak through. When they get there, Ben opens the door roughly, expecting Audrey to be there and there to be some form of conflict. However, it's empty; Jay goes upstairs to check whilst everyone else snoops around. This is where Aurora was raised, that's insane.

"She's not upstairs," Jay comes down

"That's not concerning," Rain mutters before a large banging interrupts, Ben opens the cupboard where the noise is coming from and Chad is sat on the floor, arms wrapped around himself in some form of comfort.

"Chad?" Ben asks in horror at the sight at one of his best friends on the floor of a cupboard

"I want my mommy," Chad chokes out, Ben goes to help him up but he flinches away

"It's okay," Chad looks up and sees it's Ben so lets him pulls him up "What happened buddy?" Chad looks around at the group in shock, Rain raises an eyebrow.

"Ben?" Chad asks "Ben!" he latches on to him and stares at him "your face..." he then looks around at everyone again "she's gone, and the doors open," Chad lets go of Ben "Freedom!" he runs out. Harry starts laughing as they all leave and Rain bites back a smirk; she felt bad for Chad, but it was funny.


"Whoo alright, let's get the Audrey chick taken care of already," Uma sighs and Rain laughs "What do you say guys? Let's get this taken care of?"

"Please," Rain sighs "This has been one of the longest days of my life,"

"You know, someday you're gonna have to tell me how you guys all teamed up,"

"Actually, Mal promised to help let all the kids off the isle, once all of this is over," Evie says happily and Rain smiles, however something is on her mind. I've been trying for ages to let more kids of the Isle and Mal was thinking of shutting the barrier the other day. And she hasn't got authority over that...

"Mal?" Ben asks uneasily as he looks to her.

"I have to tell you guys something," Mal walks ahead and stands in front of the group, Ben keeps his arm tightly wrapped around Rain "Um, I lied to you," she looks at Rain specifically "The kids won't be coming off the Isle,"

"What do you mean?" Jay asks quietly

"The program is shut down. And the barrier... will be closed for good,"

"For Auradon's safety," Ben adds

"What?!" Rain looks up at Ben "no one told me this, you didn't tell me this,"

"I didn't have time -"

"No," Rain pulls herself away from Ben and steps closer to Evie and Uma, wrapping her arms around herself.

"Hold up. So, we're saving your precious people and your behinds for a lie," Uma asks Mal and Rain.

"I didn't know! I've been trying for months, years to get more kids off the Isle and at a quicker rate. I had a go at everyone who suggested closing the barrier in a meeting!" Rain defends

"You didn't tell your future wife what was happening?" Uma asks Ben then scoffs when he looks down "I knew it was a mistake to trust you. You're always out for yourself," Uma tells Mal

"And you, King Ben ah?" Harry walks up to Ben and Rain moves out the way so he can talk to him "You're probably just gonna throw us all back inside,"

"You know what?" Celia steps forward to address Mal "I actually thought you were brave. You're nothing but a chicken!" It's clear she's been crying and Rain walks up to where her Uma and Mal are, taking her hand "Too scared to tell me I was never gonna see my dad again," Celia gives Rain's hand a comforting squeeze before grabbing the ember and throwing it in a stone basin filled with water nearby, Mal shouts out but Celia lets go of Rain and walks off.

MOTHER ONLY KNOWS...ENVY { 3rd - Mother Knows series - ORIGINAL}Where stories live. Discover now