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Rain is lying in her bedroom in Beast castle, her hair is a mess and she's in silk pyjamas which Evie, Mal and Ruby helped put her in. Rapunzel, Eugene and Ruby stand beside her on one side, Ben the other; It's the day after everything and Uma, Harry, Gil and Celia are back on the Isle.

"Will she wake up?" Ben asks Fairy Godmother anxiously as all Rain's friends stand around him.

"We don't know, maybe but..." Fairy Godmother steps forward "Her powers are disappearing faster than I can track,"

"What did this?" Rapunzel asks, as she rubs circles on her daughter's hands

"The staff," Mal tells him "when Audrey sent whatever power it has at her, it did something,"

"What will happen to Audrey then?" Evie asks aloud

"Only one person can reverse what's happened to both of them," everyone looks up at Mal "Hades,"

"What? He'd never do it,"

"He would for me, I'm his daughter," everyone looks at her shocked, it made sense but god.

"I'll send the guards,"

"Ben..." Fairy Godmother tries to interrupt

"No! I'm not losing her,".


Hades is let into the room and Mal steps forward "Thank you for coming,"

"Didn't have much choice,"

"Can you wake her?" Ben asks from the corner

"With gravity of the situation. Her powers gone, and life force going. I may need a bit of help," Hades looks down at his daughter

"Okay," Mal agrees

The two stands near the end of the bed and Mal gives Hades the ember

"Haven't lost my touch," he mutters when his hair sets back on fire, he takes Mal's hand and the room turns blue, purple mixing as Mal swirls her hand and spells tumble from her lips, Hades doing the same without the spells. It takes a few moments and everyone is starting to panic, this causes Mal to work harder and seconds later, the colours disappear and Rain's eyes snap open, The same gold as her powers and a deep purple resembling Mal's hair swirl in her blue eyes, her hair is also glowing the familiar orange. She blinks and her eyes return back to green and her hair the dyed burgundy.

"Rain," Rapunzel sighs seeing her daughter awake. Said girl starts to sit up and squints at the light, when she sees Mal and Hades her eyes widen

"God, that's terrifying," Hades smirks at her joke as Ben grabs her hand. Everyone starts fussing over her, Rapunzel stroking her daughter's hair, Ben holding her hand tightly and apologising profusely and everyone else just checking she's okay.

"Can we all stop please?" everyone does so "now, do any of you mind explaining what the hell happened?!"

"Can everyone wait outside please?" Ben asks and everyone complies "Rain... I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about the Isle, I was working on trying to think of other solutions,"

"It's okay," She tells him "I get it," he smiles and kisses her gently "now why the hell is Hades here?"

"Well..." he starts explaining everything.

MOTHER ONLY KNOWS...ENVY { 3rd - Mother Knows series - ORIGINAL}Where stories live. Discover now