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The groups walks through Auradon and Rain tries to phone Ben yet again. They reach a grass area and see students hunched over on tables snoring.

"They're asleep," Evie realises "Everyone,"

"I can't get Ben," Rain sighs and shoves her phone into her jacket pocket.

"Or Dizzy or Doug,"

"Or Jane, the signals out,"

Everyone else does their own thing and Rain takes her phone out again, desperate to call Ben. She watches Gil shove fruit down his throat and Jay gives him a subtle look of disgust.

"No fresh fruit on the Isle," both Rain and Uma tell Jay, Rain stays concentrated on her phone, but when she completely looses signal, she puts it in her jacket again and zips up the pocket.

"You think I'm scared of you Jay?" Harry asks and clearly something's been going on.

"Guys!" Uma and Mal scold and Rain hides a smile

Rain hears someone scoffing down food and sees Dude "Carlos!" She shouts over to him and he runs over


"Mmm delicious," Dude mutters

"Dude, really?"

"What, it wasn't me I swear!" he tries to defend himself after they just watched him eat food right out of someone's hand, Rain raises an eyebrow "Okay, it was me,"

"Do you know what happened here?" Carlos asks his dog

"Yeah, Audrey showed up, and then she turned some of them to -"

"Guys!" Evie interrupts "Hannah turned to stone," they walk over and Evie's correct, Hannah is completely stone.

"Alright, everybody stays on their toes," Jay tells us

"While we're here, let's check the school," Uma suggests and starts walking towards it

"No," she turns around and looks at Rain with a raised eyebrow "Sorry, but Audrey went straight to the crown, I'd assume she'd go for Ben in his castle next,"

"Rain's right, that's where we'll go" Mal agrees

"Says who?" Uma walks up to Mal

"Says me,"

"Says you and that's supposed to mean something to me?"

"Guys!" Rain steps between them and Mal raises an eyebrow before walking towards the castle "To the castle it is then," Rain runs to catch up with Mal.


"Ben?!" Rain shouts as the group walks through Beast castle, Dude leading them.

"This way!"

Rain sighs as they come across another corridor "Ben could be asleep Anywhere,"

"Or turned to stone," Celia adds and Rain sees Evie cover her mouth and give her a look

"Thanks for that C," Rain walks forward and she screams yet again "Ben?!" no response "I just feel stupid shouting around this massive castle,"

"I got his scent, very pungent cologne, easy to track," Dude tells them and Rain lets out a small smile, his cologne is strong "Follow me people!"

"That's great dude," Jay compliments

"FYI, I give great cuddles too," Dude says to Celia

"Really? I never had a pet growing up..." Gil continues ramble

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