Rules of texting

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WARNING : For those who were wondering, I'm going to use short forms and abbreviations for the purpose of the chapter. So if your OCD can't stand it, go away right now.

-•-Dedicated to heartbroken people out there. Stay strong! -•-

When you text, there are rules. Well, at least when u text me. Some off these rules apply to everybody, some only for guys and some only for girls. Let's get started on the rules that apply to everybody.

1. You can swear but be aware whether or not the person ur texting is ok with it. If they're not, don't do it.

If it's the little innocent girl in your class that sits in the front and pays attention to the teacher, hell to the no is the way to go. If it's the super bad boy that sits at the back of the class then sure. There's no doubt that he swears. But even so, keep the swearing to a minimum.

2. If you're in group chats, don't spam

Like seriously. Do u know how annoying it is when you turn on your phone and it starts lagging due to all of d messages you get from whatsapp? It's freaking annoying! If the group is a group because of a science project then don't say stuff like

'I just had starbucks :)'

And then all the girls will say stuff like

' Oh my god! I'm so jealous! '

And then next thing you know, the group becomes a chat place for the two of you. I'm sory but if you're that type of person and you're found guilty, please just don't do it again.

3. To the guys out there, if you are talkig to a girl, try using emoji's.

Emoji's are like a thing that girls love using so if it's a girl you like, try using it. Not too often though. Don't use it after every message or anything. Maybe every five, or ten messages. Anything like that really. 😄

3. Girls, if you're texting one of your girl friends (notice the fucking space bar), gave code names for people.
Your crushes, your enemies, anybody really. First of all, its fun. Second, why not?

For instance, with one of my friends, we make code names like hat, penguin, she, the devil, the owl etc. And we can talk about it around others and they have no idea. Well, unless we actually tell that person but of course u wont. Right?

4. If you're a guy and you're talking to a girl, let her rant sometimes.

Girls r confusing, I know, and sometimes they face problems that they have to talk to someone about and they trust u enough to keep it a secret so gain their trust. When a guy listens to a girl, it's like heaven to them.

5. Wanna keep the convo going?

Don't use 'lol' or 'ok' the whole time. That just kills the convo. Perhaps you are lazy, but if you still want someone to keep u company, do not reply one word replies 24/7.

6. If you're going to send voice messages, don't be a loud ass bitch. Nobody likes that.


Do you really believe that some creepy girl is going to fly into your room one night and kill you? Do you really think that our mystery girl 'Savannah' is going to watch over you and protect you just because you sent it to a different amount of people? Be logical. Nobody out there should be able to scare you over chain mails.

8. Let the other person have a say sometimes. It shouldn't be you, you and you. It's the resin you're texting this person, to talk to someone.

9. If you're texting multiple people at once, or watching tv at the same time you're texting that person, tell them. They may or may not spam your phone with 'Hello?' since they think your gone. Worst part is, they might think you're ignoring them.

Tadaa!! Hope this helped you. Now have fun texting!

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