I'm trying to read -.-

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I had a book with me and I was at school trying to read a book but almost everywhere I went, it was way too noisy for me to focus and so this happened. :)


I tried going to the porch that was at the canteen. Noise. The playground beside the library. Noise. The library itself was closed already. The porch, noise. Courtyard. Noise. It was impossible to go somewhere without having noise there. I mean, it was five o'clock. Who would be at school, making so much noise, at five o'clock?

I did have a place in mind but I wasn't allowed to go there at this time. It was considered out of boundaries. I know what you're thinking, just break the rules but if you don't know, I'm a people pleaser. I don't enjoy making people angry at times. I also didn't want to get into trouble because I wouldn't have any reason to go out of boundaries. It's not like I can just tell the teacher "I couldn't find a place to read my book." It would seem really stupid. No I take it back, extremely stupid. 

But I really wanted to read. It was better than walking around talking to myself, right? Right.
So I thought about the main building and to my class. The janitors were still cleaning so I had to be extra careful, making sure that they didn't spot me either.

How was I supposed to do this? There were janitors at the bottom of the stairs and also at each floor, mopping. But, there were two other stairs that were available to use. A stair only for grade five, my grade, and also for grade six. But I decided against it. I'm a lazy person, I don't walk places all the time. I rather take the risk of being caught than walk everywhere. After a while, all the janitors had left their little talking area and headed different directions. Half of them, three, going upstairs and the other three going towards the staff room.

I waited for about half a minute and then left for the stairs. There were three floors in the building. So if I'm estimating correct, one would be on each floor. That would make it a little easier. I walked towards a little hole where you could see whether they were still going up the stairs. I could still see one hand clutching the railing. I think it was on the second floor. She continued, the hand going on and off and on and off the railing continuously, maybe because he was pulling himself forward. After a minute or so, I didn't see any hands anymore.

I climbed up the stairs quickly but softly, making sure that I wasn't making much sound. If they heard me, I would be in hot water in less than a minute, unless they let me go but that's not going to happen. It never has.

I stopped at the first floor. I could hear water being splashed onto the floor and I knew that the janitor was there. I ran back to the first set of stairs, on the ground floor, and waited until I knew he had past me. I clears the second set of stairs and the third and fourth after that but I wanted to get to the sixth. I was currently at the second floor and I heard nothing. No splashing of water, no mop banging the bucket as in swayed side to side, No nothing so I quickly paced to the fifth set and sixth.

At that moment I felt really, really satisfied with myself. I opened my book and flipped through it, trying to find my red bookmark that I got from an entertainment place, and no, it wasn't from the theatre or an amusement park. I found it on page 248, took it out and started reading my little book titled Silence. Third book in the Hush, Hush series by the way. You should really read it. It's amazing.

'My first conscious thought was of being nailed down. No. Nailed inside. Locked in the snuggest of coffins. Tangled in a net. Defenceless and dictated by another body. A body that looked like my own-- same hands, same hair, identical down to the finest detail-- but one I had no control over. A strange phantom body that acted against my will, dragging me into its tide. My second thought was Patch.' (Extract from Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick. Chapter 20)

A little sneak peak. I thought you deserved it. :) Anyways, I only managed to read that before I heard soft music being played from the second floor and loud footsteps from the third.

Crap. I don't have anywhere to go. I could run to the third and highest floor but there's no way I'll run fast enough down the stairs to the ground floor and just walk off like nothing happened. The only choice I had was to stay there and hope that they didn't see me. I was technically taking risks and relying on pure luck. What are the chances that this happens?

So I crouched into a position that made me look somehow like a rock. A very smooth one. 

I hate getting into trouble. I really do. And what makes it even worse, if I even get into trouble, is that I would get into trouble just because I wasn't happy with my reading spot. Ugh. I'm in the group of people that feel like a stupid idiot. Who feels like an idiot? *raises hand up in my imagination because if I do it in real life, the chance of me getting caught would increase* Me. 

I had a little peep on the second floor and I saw someone walking with a bucket of water in their hands. I could also hear the soft music getting a tad bit louder and that's when another figure popped out on the second floor..... which meant that nobody was on the third! Oh my god! Holy cow! YESSSSSS!!!! 

Instead of getting up and pacing to the ground floor, I ran to the third, and highest, floor. Nobody was there and I knew so because the whole floor was mopped. No more than an inch wasn't mopped. I tip-toed to the stairs that only the year six were allowed to use, yet again breaking another rule, taking big and wide steps so the dirt from my shoes won't make the floor black like you know when people have dirty shoes and they stepped on a mopped floor and then it'll just turn black and all. 

You know what? Forget it. I'm not the best in explaining. Anyways, I ran down the stairs skipping one step at a time and at that time, I may be over-exaggerating this (I know I'm over-exaggerating this) but by the time my foot took place on the ground floor, the place where I won't fall from such a great height, I felt like I had just completed a spy mission. 

Yeah, a spy mission that took place in school. 

I felt very pleased with myself and I happily walked to the porch knowing that I wasn't caught. 

The CCTV's you dumbass.



Note : All the events that I write about in this book are absolutely, 100%, true situations. 


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