The Wicked Lunch

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I was forced to go for a birthday lunch that I never wanted to attend to and so this happened....


Damn birthday lunches. It's a freaking one day holiday. Can't I have peace and quiet on my one day holiday? So fucking unfair.

I am always forced to do things I hate doing. Example, an aunts birthday lunch. I'm okay with the lunch but the fact that its on my one day holiday sucks. First of all I'm sick. God damn sick. Second, there's absolutely nobody here that I can talk to. The adults talk among themselves, my sister stayed at home because of a school project and my other sister is just way too young for me to talk to. That's right, she's a fucking toddler. So what am I supposed to do here? My dad doesn't like people playing with their phone so I wasn't allowed to bring my phone and my mum didn't allow me to have a little nap so in a way, I could say that I have nothing, nothing, to do.

So I just sit there and wait for my food and all of a sudden, three people come towards our table and it looked like they were also invited. Two regular men and a little toddler. They took a seat at our table and everybody was squished. Honestly, the one of them was HUGE! So they had asked the kids, all of us little children, to move to another table.

Great. Now the kids have to sit at the other fucking table and imma be more lonely than before. Can't talk to my dad, can't listen to what the adults talk about, can't do nothing. This is just great.

So we move to the table. And then everything was fine (other than the fact that I felt like screaming out at the top of my lungs and crying). Well, until the little toddler showed his true fucking colours. He was god damn annoying. I bet if he weren't there, the restaurant would've been ten times quieter. I'm not even joking. Jumping around, screaming, talking as loud as possible, complaining, basically every annoying thing that a child does. He's even worse than my younger sister! And that's pretty bad!

So I sat and ate. My plain white rice with Kari chicken (for those of you who don't know, Kari chicken is a chicken topped off with a sauce that's pretty spicy, depending on how much spice they add) <- just search google God damn it....

Anyways, everything was fine but then that little kid came along and made everything worse. The floor was made out of wood so it was pretty hollow and this little annoying boy was stomping around, making sounds from the hollowness of the wood. But guess what? He didn't stop. He got angry at me because I was trying to convince my cousin (a toddler too) not to play, and so he went and told his dad. Like god damn it! Did I tell my dad to ask you to shut up? No! But now, you're asking you're dad to get angry at me because YOU are the one that's making all this noise. Fuck you.

But I guess today was my lucky day because this little boy, got, IGNORED. Hahahaha! In your little fucking face you piece of shit!

So he just continued playing. My cousin disobeyed me, like usual, and off they went running around the whole restaurant screaming their ass off. Little kids. I hate little kids like this.

After a while, I finished my meal (listening to them playing the whole time) and then suddenly, the little boy that got ignored by his father, began crying and came to sit by me. Me of all people. The girl who was pissed off at everything that was happening at the moment.

Crap. What am I supposed to do?

Suddenly, instead of sitting near me, still crying, he cried even louder and climbed under the table. Well, not necessarily under the table. It's kind of like.... -_- You know how chairs are pushed under tables and then there'll be space in between the top of the table and the chair? If you have no idea what I'm talking about, refer to the diagram at the start. (the picture. I just want to ound smart although I'm an idiot)

Continuing, that's the position that he was in and it was close to me. It was just awkward. Like... Really awkward. I hated this little guy and here he was waiting for me to comfort him, or at least I think. But get rid of that thought.... IT WAS FREAKING AWKWARD.

And what did the idiot a.k.a. me do? I walked away.

I can't wait till' I get this day done and over with. I'm not even kidding about this.

Once we all finished eating and when we were going home, this little annoying kid tried to hold my hand as we went to the car park. I let him hold it but his hands were all clammy and wet. DISGUSTING. Once he finally let go, I told -- no forced -- my little sister and my cousin to hold both my hands.

And that's practically it.... I'll tell you something, when I'm sick, I have different moods so the whole time, I either felt like bursting into tears or ripping the kid's head apart from his body.


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