Dare >:3 8

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Me: Too bad, Bootieos16 wants it and they're getting it!

Mr. Egg: Mr. Cheese still has that Egg grinder!

Me: TheGentleman!~

Mr. Egg: NO NO NO *Blushes as red as Player's suit*

TheGentleman: *Comes*

Me: Mr. Egg has something to tell you!

TheGentleman: What is it, Mr. Egg?

Mr. Egg: *Whisper: I don't even have my ring!*

Me: *Whisper: Wait you have one?*

Mr. Egg: *Whisper: Yes, ever since I met him!*

Me: Mr. Egg will be back! And get Mr. Cheese as well!

TheGentleman: Ok, I'll get Mr. Cheese!

Mr. Egg: *Rushes to room*

TheGentleman: Beanie Boy! I need you!

Mr. Cheese: Coming!

Mr. Egg: *Comes with the ring in the case hidden under his egg*

Mr. Cheese: *Sees Mr. Egg and looks at TheGentleman angrily*

TheGentleman: Calypso said to get you, sorry!

Mr. Cheese: Hold on! *Leaves and goes to get his Egg Crusher*

Me: This is gonna be good!

TheGentleman: Is this another one of your dares?

Mr. Cheese: *Comes back with Egg Crusher*

Mr. Egg: *Blushes even redder if that's even POSSIBLE*

TheGentleman: What did you need?

Mr. Cheese: Yeah, what did you need Egghead?! I was about to show TheGentleman GameToons!

Mr. Egg: Uhmm.. *Thinks: I can't say a speech like a normal person because this is a dare* The-TheGentleman, will you.. uh.. *Goes down on one knee* marry me? *opens box to show ring*

TheGentleman: Oh my! What a lovely ring! 

Mr. Cheese: *Glares at the three of us*

TheGentleman: But I can't. I love Mr. Cheese more, I would regret it!

Mr. Egg: *Looks hurt*

Me: *Laughs*

Mr. Cheese: *Laughs*

TheGentleman: Why is this funny?!

Me: You tell him, Mr. Egg!

Mr. Egg: It was a dare!

Mr. Cheese: Well at least you aren't going with that DING-DONG!

TheGentleman: Come along, Mr. Cheese! 

Mr. Cheese and TheGentleman: *Walks away holding hands*

Mr. Egg: *Looks hurt*

Me: What's wrong?

Mr. Egg: I wish I had someone. Everyone hates me for being a so-called "Boyfriend Stealer!"

Me: I know someone who you might like!

Mr. Egg: Who?!

Me: The new girl, Ria! She's my friend!

Mr. Egg: Really?!

Me: Yeah, she says she likes you!

Mr. Egg: *Excited*

— One Month Later —

Ria: Wait, wait, wait! You guys seriously believe in NoVisor?! *Giggles* Everyone knows that he's just an urban legend.

NoVisor: *Creeps up behind Ria*

Player: R-R-Ria! 

Ria: Hmm? What is- *Scream as NoVisor kills her*

Player and Veteran: *Scream*

NoVisor: *NoVisor, NoVisor, We Will Make You One Of Us Chant*

Player: We gotta get outta here! But, I can't move!

Veteran: Dude, me neither! I'm like, paralyzed with fear! Either that, or my keyboard's broken!

Player: What do we do?!

NoVisor: *Goes back into darkness of the hallway*

Player: Huh? Is it over?

Mr. Egg: Ria! Nooooooo! You'll pay for this! 

Me: Wait! It wasn't Player and/or Veteran! It was NoVisor!

Mr. Egg: NoVisor isn't real!

— Dead Body Reported —

I'm sure you saw the video so you know how the rest is :)

— A Month After The Whole NoVisor Incident —

Ria: *Proposes to Mr. Egg*

Mr. Egg: Yes!

— 1 Hour Later —

Me: See, Mr. Egg? You don't need TheGentleman!

Mr. Egg: You are so right!

Ria: *Kiss Mr. Egg*

There is no need for THIS anymore. It's old, and now Mr. Egg is with Foxxlo. Ignore this chapter's RiaEgg.

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