Dare >:3 20

157 3 13

Yes we have finally done 20 dares. Ikr so crazy! Btw the boys won't get much P.O.V. because I'm not really there. Don't read this if you are only here for Player or some boy-

Me: Ok how are we gonna tell them?

Foxxlo: I have no idea, we are gonna have to separate them somehow

Me: Ok this is gonna sound weird but we gonna have to take the girls into the bathroom and same time tell boys in another room.

Foxxlo: Dibs on telling the girls!

Me: Ok fine

With da boys bc once again I'm not there so no girls yet

Me: Ok is every boy here?

Veteran: No I think Captain ran away to get Dum

Me: *Calls Foxxlo*

Foxxlo (On phone): Yeah?

Me: Is Captain hiding there? Veteran said he saw Captain run to get Dum-

Foxxlo (On phone): Omg he is *Teleports to me*

Me: Thanks *Hangs up*


Me: Too bad

Captain: And who was that other blue dog with freaking 9 tails?!

Player: I thought I was seeing things earlier-

Veteran: Pretty sure this place is gonna become infested with these animals-

Me: Shut up it's my friend Foxxlo

Bro: Yeah ok, dork

Me: Speak like that again to me or Foxxlo and you're dead

Bro: What about- Player?


Player: Wait u still care?

Me: Omg shush-

Bro: Ok I'm going

Me: You'll die. There's a force field right now

Bro: Seriously!

Me: Ok well I needed all u boys because of the next dare


Me: It's not bad. It's just a sleepover for u boys. But u have to keep it a secret from the girls. Ok?

All the boys: Ok

Player: Wait wait wait-

Me: What

Player: mEh VeT-

Veteran: What?

Player: Nothing ok

Me: Yeah ok

Me: Go get your things you'll be having your sleepover in the shields room

All the boys: Ok

When all the boys are ready

Me: Ok have fun

*As I'm leaving*

Veteran: Oh so that's your Vet plush huh?

Player: *Blushes very hard* Uhhh yes-

Over where the girls are: Medbay (there's less girls + there's like 6 beds ok-)

Me: Ok did you tell the girls?

Foxxlo: Yup!

Gnome: We need our stuff

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