𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎: 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙾𝚗𝚎

312 8 1

*Long Time Skip*
Hailey's POV

It has currently been seven whole hours. I see that most of us are sleeping, even Zander is still asleep. Damn, I could hear his soft snoring and he's just right next to us. Well, I have to give it to them, we arrive here at eight in the morning. I barely see them because the plane was almost pitch black, maybe this plane has electrical issues. It's also very peaceful without anyone doing anything. The only that I can hear is my friend's quiet and loud snoring. I looked over to Jake and he's asleep. I was starting to feel like I need to relieve myself. I slowly unbuckle my seatbelt, thankfully this ride is pretty smooth and they allow us to, got up quietly so I wouldn't wake up anyone up, and went to the bathroom cabin in the very back.

I closed my door behind me and look at the mirror. The bathroom was tight and only had room for only one person. I breathed in and out with stress. Then a random question starts to come to my mind.

Isn't it awkward that we are the only ones on the airplane?

Where are the other passengers?

Also, I haven't heard anything from the flight attendants neither the pilot. They didn't give us any food to eat. Something seems very suspicious about this. I'll just figure this out later cause I want to stay focus on the concert in Great Britain. I should probably just hurry up and use the bathroom before they wake up and get worried. I got done doing my business, so I got up to wash my hands. After finishing washing my hands, I heard some footsteps growing louder and louder outside of the door. My legs started to shake and my fingers are sweating due to my anxious feeling.

"Hello? Is someone in there?" A voice started to knock on the bathroom door. "W-Who's there?" I responded as I was slowly back away from the door. "It's me, Zander." The familiar voice complained. "Oh, sorry about that Zander. I thought you were someone else." I apologized to him, opening the door and closing it behind me. "It's fine, what were you doing in there anyway?" Zander questioned his stepsister. "I was just using the bathroom," I told him what I was doing. "Oh, okay. But why are you awake?" He asked me. "I don't feel too sleepy, Zander." I rolled my eyes. "Let's just not argue back and forth, I have to tell you something though." I started to put my hair in a ponytail. "Well, What is it?" Zander crossed his arms and raised a brow.

"Have you noticed that there are no other people on this plane other than us?" I gave a questionable stare. "To be honest, I just memorize about that." Zander looked around the aircraft. "You think there's something off about all of this?" I asked my stepbrother another question. "I believe so, this doesn't usually happen." He admitted. "We should probably keep a good eye on anything that may happen," I suggested an idea for us. "That's fine with me." He agreed with me. "Deal?" I lifted my hand to give a promise handshake. "Deal!" He took his hand and shake it hand with me. "Let's go ahead and head back to our seats," Zander told on. We soon then walked back to our seats. "Hey Doesn't Luke know that you're not in your seat?" I asked him. "Ahh Don't worry, He sometimes takes a little time to figure out that I'm not near him." He chuckled. "Well, you might as well hurry back to your boyfriend before he starts to get lonely~" I smirked at him. "S-shut up Hailey!!" Zander blushed, hitting my shoulder. "Hey!" I shouted, realizing that I was speaking out loud.

4:30 PM
Zander's POV

An hour and a half Later, Everyone seems to be up. Well, except for me and Hailey because you know, we have been awake. My stomach soon then started to growl softly. I didn't eat anything else other than the grape-filled donut that Sean gave me earlier. "Are you okay?" Luke rubbed his eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little bit hungry." I replied. "Would you like some food?" Luke asked me. "I guess," I mumbled. Luke reached up to the call button on the ceiling and push it for the flight attendants to hear. They didn't come the first time, so Luke pushed the button again. They didn't come the second time. Now This was starting to get more suspicious.

What are they up to?

Luke pushed the button again for the third time in a row. This time, they came. "Hello Sir, You called us?" The flight attendant walked up to me with a food cart. "Yeah, What do you have on here to eat?" I asked. "There's chicken salad, lettuce wraps, peanut butter, and jelly sandwiches, and pasta." She said the lunch options since it's four o'clock in the afternoon. I always love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, even when Luke makes them. "May I have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich please?" I looked at the flight attendant. "Of course! I'll be right back shortly." She smirked at me.

They gotta be up to something...

A/N: Hey you guys, Sorry the chapter was kinda short, but Chapter Three will have two parts if you don't mind.
I was actually planning on publishing on Sunday but it was my mom's birthday so I didn't have much time to work on this.
I'll try my best to get Part Two out as soon as possible.

See y'all!! 💓💓

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