CH 03

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After unpacking and settling to your room, the sun has gone down meaning it was time for dinner

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After unpacking and settling to your room, the sun has gone down meaning it was time for dinner. Hinata was since to ask what you were craving for since you were now his first priority as he promised both his and your parents to take care of you well. You were craving some food with a homecooked feel but Hinata had to break it to you that none of the MSBY players could cook. It was when Miya's eyes brightened and whipped out his phone texting someone. "Dinner is settled!" He waved his phone excitedly with a huge smile. "Are we getting some free delicious and filling food again?" Bokuto asked as Miya nodded with the owl looking male cheering. "Thanks, Miya." You thanked him though you were a little confused how he could get free dinner. "No problem, y/n. Oh, call me 'Atsumu'." "Will that be alright?" You were a little worried calling him by his first name because it has been less than a day knowing him. "Yes, it is. I have a reason for that. You'll see." Atsumu winked.

While waiting for dinner, you got to know the guys and found their dynamic amusing and heartwarming. It was no doubt that Bokuto, Atsumu and Hinata were the outgoing ones while Sakusa was the quiet and chill one. It was just chaotic and this house filled with crackhead energy and you were into that. The doorbell sounded and you offered to answer it. The moment you did, your eyes widened in confusion seeing another of Atsumu but with darker hair. Oh, he must be his twin. "Samu, you're here!" Atsumu tackled his twin. "Argh, stop being so loud, Tsumu." The newcomer grumbled. "Samu, meet Hinata's cousin!" "Hello, I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." "Hi, I'm Miya Osamu. Unfortunately, this idiot's brother." Osamu rolled his eyes with Atsumu yelling at him to shut up.

An aroma permeated the air and plump mouthwatering onigiris were seen on the dining table. It turns out that Osamu runs an onigiri store after quitting volleyball. "Itadakimasu!" Everyone said in unison before digging in. You took the first bite and your eyes widened finding the onigiri tasty. The boys were yelling at each other to stop taking more portions while Sakusa sighed and placed a hand on his cheek. Osamu realized that you were quiet and decided to check on you. "Are you alright, y/n? Is it not to your taste?" Understanding that you were a foreigner. "No. I'm sorry for being a little too quiet because this is just too good." You answered with full cheeks. "I'm glad you like that, y/n." Osamu beamed happily, relieved that you enjoyed the food he made.

You were doing the dishes with Hinata while the others were at the living room talking about random things (mostly Bokuto and Atsumu). It was when Atsumu glanced at you who was at the kitchen and stared from behind. "She's cute." He mumbled under his breath. "Pervert." Sakusa shook his head. "Huh?! Don't you guys think so? Samu, what do you think?" Atsumu nudged his twin who sat next to him. "Yeah, I agree that y/n's cute but I don't stare at her like you." Osamu answered bluntly making Atsumu hit him. "What do you think, Bokuto?" He asked. The eldest in among them kept silent with his mind drifting off to your looks making his cheeks turn red but he immediately shook that thought away. "Hm." He jutted his lips a little while rubbing his nape glancing at you for a second. The twins happened to see that making Atsumu smirk mischievously earning a slight frown from Osamu as if warning him to not think of any weird ideas.

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