CH 21

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Credits to Dreysdump on Twitter

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Credits to Dreysdump on Twitter

"Couz, why are there so many carriers?" Hinata's eyes were laid on the many carriers in different colours and brands. Sighing, you plopped on the couch to stretch sitting next to Sakusa. "Japanese skincare and makeup brands." You answered with a tinge of tiredness. "You really went shopping without us this time." Atsumu sulked at the thought. When Hinata asked why, you replied that all your skincare and makeup products were from South Korea. You always wanted to try Japanese brands and Sana brought you to Ainz & Tulpe at Shibuya which was a mall selling lots of skincare and makeup. It was a shopping paradise for everyone of all ages and genders. "Ooo, pretty!" Bokuto appeared and plopped next to you. All of you were in the room while you unboxed the products you bought. It was funny to see the boys being curious about the products as Bokuto picked up a cute compact powder in a heart shape.

"I thought you might like this, Omi." You handed in a hand sanitizer in a panda bottle. "Thanks, y/n." He smiled softly and observed it. "When did you and Sakusa become friends?" "We always have been friends. You're just slow, Atsumu." Sakusa bluntly replied. "Aw! Don't we have any gifts?" Hinata pouted. Laughing, you pulled out a baby crow keychain for him and a fox one for Atsumu. "W-What about me, baby owl?" Bokuto pointed to himself. You swiftly took a small carrier, held onto his hand and led him to your room. "What's with them being secretive?" Hinata wondered. "Some couple stuff. Don't worry, Hinata." Atsumu patted his head.

Sitting him on the bed, you took out a box from the carrier and handed it to him. Bokuto lifted the lid of the box and his eyes sparkled at the sight to see a silver owl necklace. You thought Bokuto always bought you adorable items and it was time for you to give back. "Do you like it, daddy owl?" You asked. "I love it! This is so pretty!" Bokuto nodded. You helped him with the necklace and he observed it his phone. "Take this as a lucky charm." You smiled sweetly. "Thank you, baby owl. However, we are not allowed to wear jewellery during matches as it may cause injuries." Bokuto explained sadly. "Oh, I didn't know..." You frowned slightly. "But I'll wear it every day and whenever I can. I treasure this a lot!" Bokuto tried to make you feel better. "I know, you will. Don't worry, I understand and I don't want my daddy owl to get hurt. I know you're not good with injuries." Recalling the time when you attended to his cut. "Come here, baby owl." Bokuto motioned you to stand between his legs. "Thank you. You're the best." "I'm glad you liked it." After that, Bokuto leaned in for a sweet kiss.

Hinata was scrolling through his feed on Instagram when he stopped at one post in particular. It was a photo of you and Bokuto, the likes and comments were blowing up on that post. He couldn't deny that both of you looked cute together especially when he was aware that you were happy to be with Bokuto. "Couple goals~" Atsumu barged into Hinata's room while showing the same post on his phone. "Hey, have you seen- Oh." Sakusa came in at the same timing. "They look happy. I mean, they are happy." Hinata smiled at the picture. It was heartwarming to see his cousin finally finding a partner. "They've been in y/n's room for quite a while." Atsumu remembered. Hinata snapped out of his thoughts and headed to your room. He carefully clicked the door open to make as little noise as possible before peeking in. There he saw you and Bokuto watching 'Thor' on Netflix while you sat in the middle of Bokuto's legs with his arms wrapped around you and eating snacks.

"So, are they doing anything weird?"

"You're reading into it too much, Atsumu."

A/N: Osamu...💀

Credits to mutsurabashi11

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Credits to mutsurabashi11

Bonus: Kags eating onigiri🍙 Osamu approves this pic hehe😬

Bonus: Kags eating onigiri🍙  Osamu approves this pic hehe😬

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Credits to toorustobio on Twitter

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