CH 20

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Credits to HQgeo55 on Twitter

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Credits to HQgeo55 on Twitter

"Baby owl!" Bokuto sprinted towards you and lifted you up while spinning in circles. "Hey, daddy owl. How's practice?" You asked and felt him hold your hand. Pouting, Bokuto hugged you tightly and nuzzled his nose in your strawberry scented hair. "Omi, here's the body wipes." You handed in over to Sakusa who was seen with the rest of the boys. "Thanks, y/n." He took it from your hands. Widening his eyes, Hinata was shocked thar Sakusa didn't bother to disinfect it before taking the wipes from you. "Aren't you gonna disinfect it?" Hoshiumi asked, thinking the same as Hinata. "I don't need to because I know y/n's hygienic unlike you guys." Sakusa answered bluntly making the others sweat drop. Yep, Sakusa has a soft spot for you like the rest of the boys. You were like a younger sister to him.

The group of you proceeded to make way to Osamu's onigiri shop for your weekly gathering every Friday night. It was when you heard a growl and knew it was from Bokuto. "You hungry?" "Mhm!" Bokuto chewed his lower lip. "Then that means you've practiced well today. You've worked hard, daddy owl." You brought his hand to your lips and kissed it. You were aware that the boys have been practicing longer and harder than usual as the match was two weeks away. You could sense how tired they were just by walking with them especially how tired Hinata and Hoshiumi were because they were usually rowdy even after practice. Those were the words Bokuto loved to hear especially when he was a professional player. He liked it when someone was aware that he has tried his best and his efforts were seen. It says a lot about a person and he was glad that he had one of them as his girlfriend.

Osamu's onigiri shop might seem small but actually there was a secret room where he reserved for the gang which was located at the cashier where a door was seen and was often mistaken as a storage room. "We're here, Samu..." Atsumu opened the door to let everyone in. "Hey, guys. You've worked hard today." "You too, Osamu." Ushijima said it back knowing how tiring it was to handle a business. Everyone dropped to the floor of the secret room with their duffle bags scattered before leaning against the walls. You helped Osamu prepare dinner but first, you handed the boys isotonic drinks that Osamu specially reserved for them. "Water!" Hinata cried and gulped the bottle. "Drink slowly, Shoyo." You cautioned. "Can't do! I'm so thirsty!" Hinata shook his head. Shortly after, Akaashi joined to see the players almost knocked out even before dinner starts. "What time did y'all start practicing?" He asked while looking at the time which was close to 8 pm. "7 am..." Kageyama groaned while rubbing his tired eyes.

Pizzas, fried chicken, onigiris and soft drinks were on the table. Hinata was on the verge of plummeting his head into his plate with his head swaying front and back. Sure, these boys loved volleyball but everything has a limit. Atsumu was leaning against Osamu while chewing on his onigiri while Sakusa's eyes narrowed at him and Hoshiumi was staring into space. Ushijima was seen trying his best to stay awake by eating and Kageyama's dozing off to sleep. Akaashi poked Bokuto's arm to gauge how tired he was while you patted his cheek. "There's no way we are gonna finish the food with them like this." Osamu sighed at the thought. "Right, wake up guys." Akaashi urged. "I'm so tired to even eat..." Hinata yawned. Just then, you got an idea and retrieved your JBL speaker from your bag. You connected it to your phone and set it to the highest volume before playing 'Electric Kiss' by EXO.

The first beat was enough to make the players startle and snap out of their tired states. "C'mon, guys! It's a Friday night and we should enjoy ourselves!" You tried to hype them up. Osamu and Akaashi proceeded to slap each the player's back to wake them up while leaving Bokuto to you. "Daddy owl." You pecked his lips. Just one kiss was enough to perk him up as if it was his personal caffeine. "Hey hey hey! Let's eat!" He cheered and gobbled the pizza. You let out a sigh of relief that your plan worked. Though the players were tired, you knew they were hungry too. All they needed was a boost of energy and sometimes that means startling them with loud music with heavy beats.

Speaking of songs, your playlist played some songs that you used to jam with the Hinata siblings. From old Justin Bieber songs to One Direction hits, your playlist had it all. It was when 'Drag Me Down' by One Direction played waking Hinata up. He proceeded to make you stand on your feet before holding onto your hands and jumping around while singing out loud. Kageyama threw a used tissue at Hinata telling him to shut up because he sucked at singing and should leave that to you who was an ex-idol trainee. The mood in the room changed to the usual chaotic and noisy one and you were glad the players' moods and energy were lifted. "Y/n should sing." Atsumu teased. "Don't tease her, dumbass." Sakusa scolded lightly, worried that you would feel uncomfortable. "You should keep quiet, Tsumu." "Huh?! Shut yer trap!" Atsumu tackled Osamu. The night went on like this and you looked forward to the next gathering.

Bokuto sat on the side of his head while you texting your project groupmates for a while. You finally got off your phone and attended to your boyfriend. "Baby owl..." Bokuto pouted and reached for you. Chuckling, you gave into him and hugged him. He rested his head against the valley of your chest while you caressed his locks. Looking down, you observed his features and realized that his eyelashes were luscious with a tinge of gray just like his eyebrows. It was unique and pretty. Both of you lay on his bed facing each other with Bokuto sleeping against your chest and his strong arms wrapped around your body. You felt him pulling you closer to him making your lips curl. "Goodnight, daddy owl." You whispered and kissed his forehead.

A/N: Haikyuu captain squad!! Poor Daichi and Ushijima joining in too JDJDSJDJS

A/N: Haikyuu captain squad!! Poor Daichi and Ushijima joining in too JDJDSJDJS

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