CH 08

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Finally, it was the weekend

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Finally, it was the weekend. The sound of shoes squeaking and balls been spiked were heard. You were sitting at a corner of the volleyball gymnasium where national players practice with your MacBook and AirPods plugged in. You were finishing up your assignments while jamming to music on Spotify, humming to the songs you were listening to. "Watch out!" You heard a muffled scream and looked up to see an incoming volleyball. Your eyes widened and braced for impact but it didn't happen. Instead, a loud smack was heard and you looked up to see Bokuto managing to block it. "Y/n! Are you alright? Are you hurt? Oh my gosh!" He panicked and held onto the side of your arms. "I-I'm fine, Bokuto. Thanks for saving the ball." You were a little shaken up. "Kageyama, you almost hurt my cousin! Baka!" Hinata yelled and chased the taller male around the court.

"Sorry, it's my fault. I couldn't hear well from how loud I blasted my AirPods and didn't react quickly." You held onto your head, feeling slightly queasy at the thought a world feared setter's ball almost hit you. "No, please don't say that." Bokuto's brows inched sadly when you pushed the blame to yourself. "C'mon, I'll bring you to a safer place." He took your belongings and moved you to where their duffle bags were. Hinata dragged Kageyama before you and demanded him to apologize which he did but you quickly assured him that you were fine. "I think you're becoming a bad setter." Hinata scoffed. "What did you say?" Kageyama had a threatening look on his face before chasing Hinata. Bokuto took out his water bottle and handed it to you, "Have some and calm down. It's safe here. Don't worry." He assured and watched you take a few gulps of water. He felt himself turning into goo and was internally screaming. Bokuto made sure you have relaxed before going back to practice.

After you were done with your assignments, you watched the boys practice. Just hearing how loud the ball hits and smashes was enough to inform you that the team was strong. There were times you flinched due to the impact. Hinata spiked another ball that Kageyama managed pass to him and you were impressed that your cousin's jump has become higher from the last time you saw his match during highschool when you visited. However, your eyes shifted to Bokuto a few minutes later. You watched him play and noticed how fast his movements were. He even yelled in joy when he manages to spike a ball and score a point which you found adorable. It was when he lifted his shirt to wipe his sweat off making your eyes go wide at how muscular his body was. It complements his height too as he stood 190 cm (6'2 ft).

"That was a good practice session!" Hoshiumi stretched while walking to the nearest train station. On the way there, there was an array of shops which caught your attention. You paced yourself slower than usual looking through what the shops had to offer when one in particular stood out. It was a shop that sold dainty and minimalistic jewellery which you loved most. There were a few studs that caught your attention and Bokuto noticed. "You wanna take a look?" "Can I?" "Of course! Oi, Hinata! Y/n wants to go here." He yelled for the orange head. The group took note and acknowledged. You picked up a pair of small crystal studs and observed it with Hinata. "Ooo, pretty." He cooed. "I've been finding this design for a while." You spoke and picked an earring set. "Do you need this much though?" Hinata asked. It was when you put your hair up showing off the multiple piercings you had causing Hinata to be in awe. "Wait, when did you get this much?" He blinked in confusion. You giggled and placed a finger on your lips saying that it was a secret. "Don't they hurt?" Kageyama cringed at the thought. "Just for a while. The aftercare's the real pain in the ass." You chuckled.

Bokuto managed to spot a pair of iridescent butterfly studs which he thought you would look great in them. "How about these?" He handed it to you. "Gosh, these are so pretty! You really have an eye for nice things, Bokuto!" You beamed adorably. "I mean, he's an owl and birds tend to- Ow!" Atsumu yelped in pain receiving a whack from Bokuto. "Just shut up, man." It was time to pay and you were about to take out your wallet when a beep was heard. You angled your head to see Bokuto placing his credit card back into his wallet before thanking the staff and picking up the carrier. "Sugar daddy much?" Hoshiumi blinked with Ushijima and Sakusa on either side of him. "More like sugar daddy owl." Atsumu snickered. "B-Bokuto! Why did you do that?" You gasped in shock. "You're a student and you're tight on finances. Just take it as a gift!" Bokuto blushed and handed the carrier to you. "My gosh, Bokuto. I will pay you back someday!" You bit your lower lip feeling bad while making your way out of the shop.

"Well, there is one way to pay me back."

"What is it? I'll do anything!"

"Go on a date with me."

𝘚𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦'𝘴 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘯 (𝘉𝘰𝘬𝘶𝘵𝘰 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳)Where stories live. Discover now