CH 11

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Credits to ichi_bachi on Twitter

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Credits to ichi_bachi on Twitter

The first thing when you and Bokuto returned home was Hinata running to you asking if he did anything weird. Letting out a smile, you looked at Bokuto before answering that he was really sweet during the date. Hinata cocked a brow and narrowed his eyes at the older male before letting out a hum. You chuckled at the sight and told Hinata to trust his fellow friend and teammate. Bokuto kept quiet and felt people looking at him. He saw Atsumu and Sakusa peeking from a corner of the stairs with the blonde snickering. His lips jutted a little seeing how Atsumu was teasing him but his attention diverted to you when you took the carrier from his hands. With that, you greeted the boys a goodnight before heading to your room.

"So, how was the date?" Atsumu nudged Bokuto was just got out the shower. The boys gathered in his room to hear what he has got to say. Hinata sat on the bed shooting an older brother like glare at Bokuto ready to hear what he has to say. "She was just," Bokuto paused to recall the date. "The cutest." His eyes softened with curled lips. "Simp." Sakusa commented causing Atsumu to laugh. "Whatever." Bokuto plopped onto his bed and stared at the ceiling with hands behind his head. "You guys didn't do anything weird right?" Hinata asked. "Well... She held onto my arm and I held her waist-" "What?!" Hinata yelled with wide eyes. Bokuto quickly explained about what happened during the date and Hinata calmed down understanding the situation. "Thanks, Bokuto. Y/n gets scared of men easily." Hinata let out a weak smile. "Is that why she followed you around when she first got here?" Atsumu asked and Hinata hummed in response. Bokuto kept that in mind after hearing that from Hinata. Like what he promised, he was going to protect you.

The next day, you were at the supermarket with the boys picking up some ingredients for shabu-shabu later for dinner. The rest of the national team was coming over with Osamu later. Bokuto's eyes lit up at the sight of meat and ran towards it. He picked up many packets of it and placed them in the cart. "You do like your meat, huh?" You laughed lightly at the sight. "Mhm! I love meat and they build my muscles!" He flexed his biceps. "True, but don't forget to have vegetables too." You reminded and placed a cabbage in the cart. "Ooo, yes! Meat wrapped in cabbage..." Bokuto's mouth watered at the thought. "Is there anything else?" Sakusa asked. "I think that's pretty much it. Samu's bringing some onigiri too since Hinata wants them." Atsumu looked into the cart. "More meat!" Bokuto picked up more sliced meat. "You know how much we eat especially when it comes to meat!" He explained before anyone nags at him. Sighing, Sakusa shook his head before going to the cashier and Hinata jumping excitedly.

Before the others arrive, you made sure to complete your assignments to enjoy yourself later. It was when a knock on the door was heard and you gave permission to whoever to enter. "Y/n, what are you doing?" Bokuto poked his head from the door. "Assignments. I'll be done soon." You replied with eyes on your MacBook. Pouting, Bokuto entered and stood behind you to peek at the assignments. "What module is this?" "Macroeconomics." "Wah! Numbers hurt my brain!" Bokuto cried and kneeled on the ground. You giggled and stroked his head comfortingly. "The only numbers that won't make your head hurt are the ones on the scoreboard, right?" You grinned. "Yep, you're right!" Bokuto took your hand and placed it on his cheek. You softened at the sight and stroked his skin with the pad of your thumb. "You're so adorable." You whispered and that was enough for Bokuto to blush furiously.

"Dinner's ready!" Hinata yelled and you made way to the first floor. The others were here and have gathered at the dining table. "Hi, guys." You greeted with a sweet smile. "Y/n! How was your date with Bokuto?" Hoshiumi asked with sparkling eyes. Bokuto and you flushed while gathering the right words. "It was great." You took a seat in between Bokuto and Osamu. "Did anything interesting happen?" "Don't ask such questions, Hoshiumi." Ushijima sighed. "Itadakimasu!" The usual dinner greeting sounded through the apartment. "Onigiri!" You cheered and took a huge bite. Osamu smiled as he was glad you enjoyed the onigiris. "Aw, y/n's so cute- Ow!" Hoshiumi yelped feeling a harsh kick under the table. He looked up to see Bokuto's eye twitch with a fake smile, "Be careful not to choke, Hoshiumi." He kindly reminded. "Yeah, thanks." Hoshiumi cleared his throat.

"Hinata, boke! Why did you spill the soup?!" Kageyama yelled at your poor cousin. Dinner was chaotic and filled with crackhead energy. Yells and random noises were made from grown men expect Sakusa who was debating if he should eat elsewhere from this nonsense. "Samu, why did you bring this little of onigiri?" Atsumu whined. "What?! You were the one who told me to bring 20!" Osamu yelled in annoyance. "Meat!" Bokuto took a full serving before devouring it. You picked a cooked cabbage leaf and wrapped it around a slice of pork belly before dipping it into soy sauce. "Here." You offered it to Bokuto. Instead of receiving it with his chopsticks, he ate it from yours as if you were feeding him. "This is so good!" He complimented while you were in a blushing mess before noticing a stain on the corner of his lips. "Oh, Bokuto..." You wiped the stain off with a tissue. This gained everyone's attention. "You guys are acting like a long-term couple." Kageyama commented. "Haha, right?!" Atsumu agreed. "What couple?" Hinata's voice boomed, making everyone flinch. Oh, this cousin of yours.

A/N: Today, I offer you black-haired Bokuto.

A/N: Today, I offer you black-haired Bokuto

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