Bonus #4

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Credits to hanawara4 on Twitter

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Credits to hanawara4 on Twitter

The stadium was filled with fans and loud cheering was heard. Your eyes scanned your surroundings and making your way to the court when a light bump hit your chest. Looking down, the corners of your lips curled and a loving smile was seen on your face. Shotaro had his head on your chest while rubbing his eyes. Shushing him, you pulled his tiny hands away and kissed them. Your son pouted earning him a kiss on his forehead as you stroked his head gently. It was when you finally got to the court and Team Japan's manager was there waiting for you. He greeted you before slinging a pass around your neck and ushering you to the team.

After a few minutes, there you saw familiar faces with huge victorious smiles. "Who's that, baby?" You pointed ahead gaining Shotaro's attention. "P-Papa..." He cooed making your lips tilt. "Louder, baby. Papa can't hear you." You kissed his cheek as encouragement. "Papa!" He yelled, startling you at how loud he could be just like his father. Instantly, Bokuto snapped his head to the left and his eyes shimmered. "Wah, baby owl!" He squealed and ran towards you and Shotaro. "Hey, mommy owl~" Bokuto acknowledged your presence with a peck on the lips. "Shotaro!" Hinata yelled and hurriedly got to where you guys were. "Orange!" Shotaro recognized his uncle by his hair colour and lightly tugged it.

"Congrats on the win, guys!" You beamed proudly when you joined the others. "Thanks, y/n! Ah, little Shotaro is here too!" Atsumu pinched his chubby cheek lightly. "Mimi!" Shotaro pointed at Sakusa causing him to smile. "Baby owl, did you see papa play? Was papa awesome?!" Bokuto tickled Shotaro's tummy making him giggle. "What about me? I looked so cool spiking the ball, right?" Hinata asked with anticipating eyes. "You're only able to do so because I tossed the ball, boke." Kageyama rolled his eyes while patting Shotaro's head. Hinata's eye twitched because Kageyama ruined the moment of him looking cool in front of his nephew. A small bicker broke out and Ushijima intervened before Shotaro gets scared from how loud they were. "Y'all should know when to fight." Hoshiumi hit the back of their heads in annoyance.

It was when the team received an interview from various media outlets especially Bokuto. This was because he managed to earn the most points for the team and the interviewers were curious why he was better than his usual state. Bokuto was answering questions during his personal interview but Shotaro's voice was constantly heard at the back calling for him. You had no choice but to hand him over to Bokuto and melted at the sight when Shotaro nuzzled against Bokuto's sturdy chest. "That's because my wife and son's here today and they give me the biggest motivation! Look, he's even wearing my jersey. Today's even special because it's his first time watching my match." Bokuto showed off proudly and pointed at the jersey with Bokuto's number Shotaro was wearing. "Hey, Shotaro. How do you feel about the match?" The interview placed the microphone before his lips. "Papa... Ace!" He giggled. Hearing that made you bite your lower lip to hold back tears and Bokuto teared up too hearing Shotaro's words.

Shotaro fell asleep the moment he got changed from his shower. Bokuto looked down at his precious son and stroked his cheek before kissing him. He returned to the room where you both shared with a blissful smile on his features. "Our son thinks his papa is an ace." You smiled seeing him entering the room. Bokuto jumped onto the bed before laying his head on your chest while you played with his hair. "Yeah..." He trailed off and there was a moment of silence. "I'm so happy that we made such an adorable son, baby." Bokuto looked up at you. Smiling, you agreed with him wholeheartedly and felt him holding hands with you. Both of you started recalling the start of your relationship with you showing up at MSBY's apartment and him mistaking you as Hinata's girlfriend. "It's just so surreal that... We are here." You breathed at the heartwarming thought. "Yeah! We have a family now!" Bokuto grinned cutely.

You shared that a few days ago, you spotted Shotaro playing around with the stuffed volleyball Hinata got him. His small hands threw it against the wall and watched it roll back to him. Bokuto shot up from his lying position with excited eyes. "Our baby owl was tossing the ball against the wall?!" "Yeah! He was so adorable, daddy owl." You nodded. "Do you think he'll be a volleyball player next time?" He asked in anticipation for the future. "Hm, I'm not sure." You put on a thinking look. "Be it a volleyball or not. I'm gonna support him no matter what! I don't want to force our son into doing something he doesn't have interest in." Bokuto had a determined look on his face. You were glad that he thought that way and leaned in to kiss his cheek. "You're the best father anyone could ask for, daddy owl." You smiled sweetly at him. No matter how many long you guys were together, Bokuto's heart would never fail to flutter whenever you kiss or hug him. He cupped your face and latched his lips against yours and you felt him smiling into the kiss.

"I love you so much, baby."

"Me too, Kotaro. More than you can ever imagine."

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this story and I hope you enjoyed it!

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this story and I hope you enjoyed it!

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Credits to rnoogu

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