CH 13

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Credits to songrnim on Twitter

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Credits to songrnim on Twitter

It has been almost a month since you and Bokuto started dating. You felt comfortable with his presence especially when he was such a huge happy virus. Honestly, you needed someone with such energy by your side because school can get quite straining. Bokuto would buy you small gifts that consisted mostly of owls so that it reminds you of him. Other than that, he would send cute texts here and there. There were times when he would appear in your room and waddled around following wherever you were. Hinata would sometimes barge into yours or Bokuto's room to make sure that no funny business was happening but you trust Bokuto would never do so.

"Y/n!" Bokuto called for you and the next thing you knew was him appearing in your room. "I-I've got a boo boo." He showed his puppy eyes that never failed to make you melt. "Bokuto, I told you to stay where you were while I grabbed the first aid kit!" Atsumu yelled and appeared with the kit. "I want y/n to do it..." Bokuto pouted. "What? Why?!" "Because you're so rough and I will feel more pain!" Bokuto cried, recalling those memories when Atsumu treated his wounds. Atsumu rolled his eyes and left Bokuto to you while mumbling how the hell was he the same guy who was one of Japan's best volleyball spikers.

"Come here, Bokuto." You patted your bed to make him sit. You stood in front of him and tended to his cut. "Ow..." He whimpered. "It's going to be over soon, Bokuto." You wrapped a band aid around his finger. True to your words, you finished up within seconds. Bokuto looked at the band aid in awe before his eyes lit up in joy. "Thanks, y/n! You're the best!" Bokuto hugged you tightly making you flush. However, you gave into him and hugged back while patting his head. "Can you still spike a ball?" "I can! I can! It will heal soon because you were the one who treated the cut." Bokuto grinned. It was when you felt him nuzzle against your chest and instead of freaking out, you felt warmth washing over. A hand left his head to cup his cheek and stroked it affectionately. Before you knew it, a soft smile was seen on your face.

"You seem in high spirits lately." "Huh? I'm always in high spirits." "Yeah, but more than usual recently." You looked at Sana who was squinting her eyes as if trying to deduce something. She reached out to cup your face and stared straight into your eyes. "So, who's the guy?" Sana smirked, successfully looking through you. Clicking your tongue, you gently took her off your face and shook your head. It was true that you have become happier and found yourself thinking about Bokuto. "There it is again. That dreamy look. Tell me who's the lucky guy!" Sana whined and poked your cheek. "I'll tell you soon. I promise." You chuckled and held onto her hand. "Okay, but tell me one thing. Does his presence make you happy?" Her tone turned serious. Sana took her friends' well-being seriously especially you who has lots of secret admirers. She couldn't imagine what their reaction would be if you revealed that you're dating someone. "Yes, he does. He's the sweetest ever." "Then that's all I need to hear."

A/N: Someone help this poor owl😭

A/N: Someone help this poor owl😭

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