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This is for you eetbooks

Monday, 14.43

Just as Louis had decided that he was one of those rude celebrities that would rather die than meddle with their staff the man in the back of the car looked up from his phone and their eyes met in the rear-view mirror.
"You're new."

"Yes, I'll be your driver from now on." Louis answered.

The man leaned forward and reach out a hand for him to shake.
"Hi, I'm Harry."

Louis turned around and shook his hand.
"Louis Tomlinson."

Harry smiled.
"It's lovely to meet you."

Louis blinked a couple of times. The pictures he had seen in magazines didn't make him justice.
"I'm not trying to sound rude, but we need to get going if I'm gonna be at my meeting in time." Harry said.

Right. Louis blushed a little and turned on the engine. He checked the calendar on his phone to see where he was driving. Harry had a meeting with his management. He took off and they drove in silence for ten minutes. He glanced at Harry through the rear-view mirror once in a while but Harry was looking at his phone the whole time. He took a right turn. Almost there.
"You should have turned left. You're going the wrong way." Harry spoke up.

"Shit! I'm so sorry." Louis said and made an illegal u-turn.

"It's okay." Harry answered. Louis glanced at him again. Harry was staring out the window.

They arrived three minutes too late. Great start.
"I won't be long. Just wait here please." Harry said before he got out of the car.


Clearly they had different views on what "won't be long" meant. Louis listened to music and scrolled through his social media.


He had lost count of how many cigarettes he had smoked.


Harry got in the car and closed the door too hard. He looked pissed.
"I'm sorry it took so long. Please drive me home."

Louis started the car and backed out of the parking lot. He had just reached the main road when a sound from the back seat made him look in the rear-view mirror. Harry was leaning forward with his face buried in his hands. His whole body was shaking. Was he crying?
"Are you okay, mate?" Louis had to ask.

Harry let out a deep sob.
"I'm fine."

Clearly he wasn't. The next traffic light turned red and Louis stopped the car and looked around. He luckily found a package of tissues. He grabbed it and turned around, holding it out to Harry.

Harry looked up, tears were streaming down his face. He took the tissue box.

"Wanna talk about it?" Louis offered. He felt uncomfortable but he didn't like to see people cry.

Harry blew his nose loudly.
"I can't. Just same old shit."

"Okay, you know what? There's a great hamburger place a couple of minutes from here. Let's go through the drive-in and buy you some comfort food."

"That's sweet of you but I can't eat that. I'm on a diet." Harry mumbled.

"Come on! One burger won't kill you." Louis tried.

"Fine. A burger sounds nice." Harry answered.

Louis smiled encouragingly and took a left at the next intersection. He found the burger place and got in line for the drive-in.
"So, what do you want?"

"You choose." Harry said and dried his eyes with a tissue.

Louis ordered two burgers with extra cheese, fries, and coke. He threw in a chocolate milkshake as well. Harry needed it. When it was time to pay Harry reached out his credit card without a word.
"Keep it. My treat." Louis smiled.

Harry looked absolutely dumbfounded.
"What? Are you sure? But..."

"Don't worry about it." Louis said and paid for their meals and put them in the front seat.

He turned his head to look at Harry.
"There's a park like two minutes from here. Wanna stop there?"

"I don't want to be seen in public when I've been crying and I don't have a bodyguard with me." Harry answered. He had stopped crying but his eyes were red and puffy.

Right. Famous.
"We can just sit in the car but it's a nicer view than this parking lot." Louis said.

"Okay." Harry agreed quietly.

Louis drove them there and parked. He grabbed Harry's food to hand it over but Harry got out of the car and opened the passenger door.
"Is it okay if I sit here? I feel silly sitting in the back when we're both eating."

"Of course." Louis smiled and removed the food so Harry could take a seat and gave him his burger and fries as soon as he was situated.

They started to eat and Harry moaned after his first bite.
"Oh fuck, this is so good."

Louis's ears turned red. It sounded like Harry was doing something else.
"Right?" He agreed instead.

"Best burger I had in ages. The only burger I had in ages. Thanks, Louis." Harry smiled and shoved some fries in his mouth.

Louis handed him the milkshake as well.
"You're welcome."

"So, tell me about yourself." Harry said.

"Nothing much to tell. I moved from Doncaster like a month ago." Louis replied.

"Oh! I'm from Holmes Chapel. That's like two hours from each other. Do you still have your family there?" Harry said.

"Yeah. My mum Jay and my stepdad Dan and a whole bunch of siblings. I miss them like crazy." Louis smiled.

"How many siblings do you have?" Harry asked.

"Six." Louis grinned.

"Six?" Harry questioned. His eyes grew wide.

"Yeah, I'm the oldest one. Then there's Lottie, Fizzie, Phoebe, and Daisy, they're twins and the little one, also twins, Ernie and Doris." Louis explained.

"Wow. I would love to have that many siblings. I have an older sister, Gemma." Harry smiled.

"Do you see your family often?" Louis asked and Harry's face dropped.

"No, not nearly as much as I would like to."

"I'm sorry." Louis said softly.


Louis's phone pinged and he looked at it. Harry's schedule had been updated.
"Hot date tomorrow?" He grinned.

"Something like that." Harry sighed.

Louis glanced at him. He didn't look happy so he dropped the subject.
They had finished their food and Louis drive Harry home.
"I'll see you tomorrow then. I'll pick you up at twelve?"

"Yeah. Thanks for cheering me up. Drive safely." Harry said and got out of the car.

Louis watched him open the door and head inside his multi-million house. Harry Styles was nothing like he had pictured him.

Driving Mr. StylesWhere stories live. Discover now